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Displaying 1676 - 1700 of 1754
Author Year Publications
Ward, Darren M. 2019

"Comparing abundance-based and tag-based estimates of coho salmon marine survival" in Fisheries Management and Ecology

Ward, Darren M. 2019

"Predation on wild and hatchery salmon by non-native brown trout (Salmo trutta) in the Trinity River, California" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Wardman, Colin D. 2019

"Metals recovery from wastewater by microbial electrochemical technologies" in Wastewater Treatment Residues as Resources for Biorefinery Products and Biofuels

Watanabe-Schock, Kumi 2019

"Library Diversity & Social Justice Working Group" in Check Out the Library

Watanabe-Schock, Kumi 2019

"Native Voices Traveling Exhibit" in Check Out the Library

Waterhouse, Ella 2019

"Santa Barbara Skyline" in The World "The way we saw it"

Weber, Kassandra A. 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in ideaFest Journal

Weber, Kassandra A. 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in INRSEP Research Poster

Weber, Kassandra A. 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in AAS Meeting

Weber, Kassandra A. 2019

"Progress on Short-range Tests of Gravity at Humboldt State University" in APS April Meeting

Weckerly, Floyd W. 2019

"Coastal Texas black rail population states and survey effort" in Journal of Wildlife Management

Wedll, Isabel Sada 2019

"A Herd of Elk and the Stone Lagoon Red Schoolhouse" in The World "The way we saw it"

Weeden, Norman F. 2019

"Garden Pea Pisum Sativum L. (Lathyrus Oleraceus Lamark)" in Reference Module in Life Sciences

Weeden, Norman F. 2019

"Quantitative trait loci controlling lodging resistance and other important agronomic traits in dry field peas" in Crop Science

Weller, Theodore J. 2019

"Remnant trees increase bat activity and facilitate the use of vineyards by edge-space bats" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Wells, Natalie 2019

"Keeping it Glassy: Skeletal Analysis of Ancient Mesoamerican Obsidian Weapons" in ideaFest Poster

Wendt, Kenna 2019

"Apartheid and Prejudice" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2019

"Jailed Parents and their Young Children: Residential Instability, Homelessness, and Behavior Problems" in Journal of Child and Family Studies

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2019

"School Wellness in Wisconsin: Evaluating Policies for Practices to Prevent Pediatric Obesity" in Journal of School Health

Weymouth, Lindsay A. 2019

"Infants and young children with incarcerated parents" in Handbook on Children with Incarcerated Parents: Research, Policy, and Practice

White, Jeffrey W. 2019

"Achieving Climate Stability and Environment Sustainability:  PK–12 education as part of the solution for bending the curve" in UC–CSU Environmental and Climate Change Literacy, Project Steering Committee

White, Julia 2019

"Gender Representation in art Pedagogy: a Survey of Student Knowledge and Attitudes Around Gender Balance in art Education" in Theses and Projects

White, Kelly 2019

"The Effects of C-Afferent Stimulation on Orgasms and Ejaculation" in ideaFest Poster

Whitford, Malachi D. 2019

"Escape dynamics of free-ranging desert kangaroo rats (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) evading rattlesnake strikes" in Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Whitford, Malachi D. 2019

"Determinants of predation success: How to survive an attack from a rattlesnake" in Functional Ecology