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Displaying 76 - 100 of 1756
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Barone, Olivia 2019

"Recommendations for Wildfire Recovery Planning for the City of Arcata" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Barry, Megan 2019

"Plasmodium: A Persistent Primal Parasite" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Basurto Jr., Arturo 2019

"Physical Therapist Views and Experiences with Patient Use of Marijuana" in Theses and projects

Bates, Diane C. 2019

"Professional expectations and program climate affects the professional formation of engineers" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings

Baughman, Jaclyn 2020

"Mesoproterozoic burial of the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa during Rodinia supercontinent assembly from (U-Th)/He thermochronology" in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Bawcom, Katelyn 2019

"Supporting Social Workers A Manual Promoting Sustainability & Wellness in Social Work" in ideaFest Poster

Bean, William Tim 2019

"Evaluating current and future range limits of an endangered, keystone rodent (Dipodomys ingens)" in Diversity and Distributions

Bean, William Tim 2019

"Right on track? Performance of satellite telemetry in terrestrial wildlife research" in PLOS ONE

Bean, William Tim 2019

"Historical Population Size Change and Differentiation of Relict Populations of the Endangered Giant Kangaroo Rat" in Journal of Heredity

Bean, William Tim 2019

"Reconstruction of the historical range alters niche estimates in an endangered rodent" in Ecography

Bean, William Tim 2019

"Generalist dispersal and gene flow of an endangered keystone specialist (Dipodomys ingens)" in Journal of Mammalogy

Bean, William Tim 2019

"Point Arena Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia Rufa Nigra) Selects Cool Climates at Fine Spatial Scales" in Northwestern Naturalist

Beard, Matt 2019

"Painting the California Coast: A collection of artwork and notes from the field" in Noví Albion Publishing

Beaulieu, Jeffrey 2019

"Deviant Leaders: Examining the Effect of Group Consensus on Individuals' Attitudes Towards a Leader's Position" in ideaFest Poster

Beckmann, Jill J. 2019

"Competition, Climate, and Drought Effects on Tree Growth in an Encroached Oak Woodland in Northern California" in Theses and Projects

Begay, Kayla Carpenter 2019

"Xo’ch Na:nahde’tł’-te - Survivance, Resilience and Unbroken Traditions in Northwest California" in Ka’mt’em: A Journey Toward Healing

Begay, Marissa 2019

"The Spring is Covered with Iris" in Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities

Begorre, Jacob 2019

"The Surface Distribution of Trace Metals Along a Pacific Meridional Transect: GEOTRACES GP-15 Research Cruise" in ideaFest Posters

Belamaric, Pairsa N. 2019

"Evidence for a New Search Behavior: Porcupines “Scout” for Winter Habitat During Summer in a Coastal Dune System" in Theses and projects

Bellah, Pamela 2019

"Perception of Nursing Education in Nepal: Meeting the Needs of Nursing as Profession in a Global Health Care Community" in Theses and projects

Belleau, Aidan 2019

"Nifty Fifty Ain't So Thrifty: Privileges and Challenges of a Locavore Diet in Arcata" in ideaFest Poster

Ben-Zvi, Sarah 2019

"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice

Benamira-Dod, Anisa 2019

"Le Point de Vue" in The World "The way we saw it"

Benavides-Garb, Benicio 2019

"Dimanche Matin" in The World "The way we saw it"

Bender, Megan 2019

"Naked and Unafraid" in Osprey