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Displaying 201 - 225 of 1626
Author Year Publications
Carlson, Annette 2018

"Benthic Microplastics Distribution in Humboldt Bay, Northern California: A Comparative Study of Surface Sediments Based on Proximity from the Shore" in INRSEP Research Poster

Carroll, Allyson L. 2018

"Manipulating tree crown structure to promote old-growth characteristics in second-growth redwood forest canopies" in Forest Ecology and Management

Carroll, Allyson L. 2018

"Development and dominance of Douglas-fir in North American rainforests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Carroll, Allyson L. 2018

"Tree-Ring Indicators of Fire in Two Old-Growth Coast Redwood Forests" in Fire Ecology

Carroll, Allyson L. 2018

"Dendrochronological analysis of Sequoia sempervirens in an interior old-growth forest" in Dendrochronologia

Carroll, Allyson L. 2019

"Allometric equations for Sequoia sempervirens in forests of different ages" in Forest Ecology and Management

Carter, David J. 2018

"Measuring residence time distributions of wood chips in a screw conveyor reactor" in Fuel Processing Technology

Carter, David J. 2018

"Performance and emissions control of commercial-scale biochar production unit" in Applied Engineering in Agriculture

Carter, Haley 2018

"Police Officer Identification and Leadership Prototypicality" in ideaFest Poster

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Scripps's Murrelet at San Miguel Island, California: Status of a Small Population at the Northwest Limit of the Breeding Range" in Western North American Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Long-Term Monitoring of Scripps's Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet at San Clemente Island, California: Evaluation of Baseline Data in 2012-2016" in Western North American Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Breeding Population Sizes, Distributions, and Trends of Pelagic, Double-Crested, and Brandt's Cormorants in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, 1955–2015" in Northwestern Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Year-round movements of sympatric Fork-tailed (Oceanodroma furcata) and Leach's (O. leucorhoa) storm-petrels" in Journal of Field Ornithology

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Status of Ashy Storm-Petrel Breeding Colonies at Santa Cruz Island, California, 1912–1998" in Western North American Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Avian and Skunk Predation of Ashy Storm-Petrels at Santa Cruz Island, California" in Western North American Naturalist

Carter, Harry R. 2018

"Breeding of Craveri’s Murrelet Synthliboramphus craveri at four islands off west-central Baja California, México" in Marine Ornithology

Carter, Robin 2018

"Letters of Martin Fleischmann and Melvin Miles." LENR-CANR: A library of papers about cold fusion

Casali, Laura R. 2018

"The role of social capital in fishing community sustainability: case of Shelter Cove, CA" in Theses and Dissertations

Cashman, Eileen 2018

"Equality vs. Equity: Using Assets and Cultivating Students" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings

Cass, Christine 2018

"Benthic Microplastics Distribution in Humboldt Bay, Northern California: A Comparative Study of Surface Sediments Based on Proximity from the Shore" in INRSEP Research Poster

Castañeda, Xerónimo 2018

"Can Barn Owls Help Control Rodents in Winegrape Vineyard Landscapes? A Review of Key Questions and Suggested Next Steps" in Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference

Castillo, William 2018

"Nanodiscs Stabilize Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin for Transcriptional Regulation Studies" in ideaFest Poster

Ceja, Isabella 2018

"Instilling Text and Subtext" in ideaFest Poster

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2018

"Measuring residence time distributions of wood chips in a screw conveyor reactor" in Fuel Processing Technology

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2018

"Demonstration of a Pilot-Scale Plant for Biomass Torrefaction and Briquetting" in Applied Engineering in Agriculture