Cortenbach, John |
2018 |
"Map of wildfire severity of the Santa Rosa: CA 2017" in ideaFest Poster |
Cortenbach, John |
2018 |
"Survey and Map Distribution of English Ivy (Hedera helix L.) at Patrick's Point State Park, California" in ideaFest Journal |
Cortes-Rincon, Marisol |
2018 |
"Geoarchaeology and tropical forest soil catenas of northwestern Belize" in Quaternary International
Cortez, Demi |
2018 |
"Learn to Trust" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Cortright, Mark |
2018 |
"Lessons Learned Over Time" in Ceramics Monthly |
Cota, Vanessa |
2018 |
"Student Snapshots" in Library Student Projects |
Cox, Alexandra Mackay |
2018 |
"Stability for a small historic house museum: Drafting a collection management policy for the Trinidad Museum" in Theses and Projects |
Cox, Anicca |
2018 |
“What if we tried a standalone writing department? Innovations in departmental governance, revisited” in Council of Writing Program Administrators |
Cox, Anicca |
2018 |
"Making matters visible: uncovering thinking, knowing and being with institutional ethnography" in Thomas R. Watson Conference |
Cox, Anicca |
2018 |
"Always on the boundaries: community engagement, activism and labor outside the classroom" in Conference on College Composition and Communication |
Cox, Anicca |
2018 |
"Collaboration and Resistance: Academic Freedom and Non-Tenured Labor" in FORUM: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty |
Cox, Anicca |
2018 |
Arts Programming for the Anthropocene: Art in Community and Environment |
Cox, Maximilian J. |
2018 |
"Nanodiscs Stabilize Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin for Transcriptional Regulation Studies" in ideaFest Poster |
Coyle, Jennifer |
2018 |
"Check-in/check-out teaches skills for success" in Theses and Projects |
Craig, Sean F. |
2018 |
"An Investigation into the Copper Toxicity of Anti-Fouling Paint" in ideaFest Poster |
Crain, Benjamin J. |
2018 |
"Sheltered from the storm? Population viability analysis of a rare endemic under periodic catastrophe regimes" in Population Ecology |
Crain, Benjamin J. |
2018 |
"The Republic of Palau: sharing encounters with its diverse orchids" in Orchids: The Bulletin of the American Orchid Society |
Crane, Jeff |
2018 |
The Nature of Hope: Grassroots Organizing, Environmental Justice, and Political Change |
Crane, Jeff |
2018 |
Chapter 10 "Raising Change: Community Farming as Long-Term Ecological Protest" in The Nature of Hope: Grassroots Organizing, Environmental Justice, and Political Change |
Crane, Jeff |
2018 |
"Introduction" in The Nature of Hope: Grassroots Organizing, Environmental Justice, and Political Change |
Crotteau, Justin S. |
2018 |
"Management and Succession at the Lick Creek Demonstration/Research Forest, Montana" in Journal of Forestry |
Crotteau, Justin S. |
2018 |
"Stand dynamics 11 years after retention harvest in a lodgepole pine forest" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Crotteau, Justin S. |
2018 |
"Fuel dynamics after a bark beetle outbreak impacts experimental fuel treatments" in Fire Ecology |
Crutcheld, Rashida |
2018 |
"Study of Student Basic Needs: Basic Needs Initiative" in Technical report, CSU |
Cruz, Alexandra |
2018 |
"Police Officer Identification and Leadership Prototypicality" in ideaFest Poster |