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Displaying 1626 - 1638 of 1638
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Bippus, Alexander C. 2018

Chapter 16 "Why Are Bryophytes So Rare in the Fossil Record? A Spotlight on Taphonomy and Fossil Preservation" in Transformative Paleobotany

Ratner, Carl 2018

Chapter 23 "The Genesis of Macro Cultural Psychology’s Culture Theory from Traditional Cultural Psychology" in The Challenges of Cultural Psychology: Historical Legacies and Future Responsibilities

Ratner, Carl 2018

Chapter 24 "The Genesis of Macro Cultural Psychology’s Political Orientation from other Approaches to Cultural Psychology" in The Challenges of Cultural Psychology: Historical Legacies and Future Responsibilities

Monteiro, Jorge H.S.K. 2018

Chapter 3 "Lanthanide ion emission in multicolor OLEDs (Ce3+, Pr3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Tm3+, and white light Eu3+/Tb3+ hybrid systems) and device characterization" In Lanthanide-Based Multifunctional Materials

Ratner, Carl 2018

Chapter 35 "Trends Within Sociocultural Theory and the Utility of “Cultural Capital” for SCT" in The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development

Bronson, Allison W. 2018

Chapter 5 "Doliodus and Pucapampellids: Contrasting Perspectives on Stem Chondrichthyan Morphology" in Evolution and Development of Fishes

Welsh, Jr., Hartwell H. 2018

Chapter 6 "Other Species and Biodiversity of Older Forests" in Synthesis of Science to Inform Land Management within the Northwest Forest Plan

Moore, Michal C. 2018

Chapter Case 21 "The Oxnard Plain, Southern California: The Economics of Agriculture in the Urban Fringe" in Under The Blade: The Conversion Of Agricultural Landscapes

Smith, James P. 2018

Biographical Sketch: Carl Linnaeus: A timeline” in Botanical Studies OER

Sokhom, Rattnak 2018

不要後悔" in Toyon

Reed, Kaitlin 2018

“Indigenous Ecologies” in Oxford Bibliographies in Ecology

Cox, Anicca 2018

“What if we tried a standalone writing department? Innovations in departmental governance, revisited” in Council of Writing Program Administrators

Reed, Kaitlin 2018

“‘Operation Yurok’ and the Environmental Impacts of Marijuana in Yurok Country” in News from Native California