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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1635
Author Year Publications
Abarca, César G. 2018

"HSU Radical Leadership Development Project" in ideaFest Poster

Abarca, César G. 2018

"Evaluation of the Scholars Without Borders (SWB) Undocumented Students Ally Training (USAT)" in ideaFest Poster

Abbassi, Mina 2018

"The View From Sacré Cœur" in The World "The way we saw it"

Aberson, Christopher L. 2018

"Editorial: Improving Scientific Practices and Increasing Access" in Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy

Accomando, Christina H. 2018

"The Cynical Red Herring of Arming Teachers" in Psychology Today

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"Coastal California Wastewater Effluent as a Resource for Seawater Desalination Brine Commingling" in Water

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"A review of polymeric membranes and processes for potable water reuse" in Progress in Polymer Science

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"Integrating an aerobic/anoxic osmotic membrane bioreactor with membrane distillation for potable reuse" in Desalination

Achilli, Andrea 2018

"Challenges and opportunities at the nexus of energy, water, and food: A perspective from the southwest United States" in MRS Energy & Sustainability

Ackerman, James D. 2018

"Determinants of orchid species diversity in world islands" in The New Phytologist

Adams, David 2018

"Exercise Identified as an Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder" in Palestra

Adams, Mark D. O. 2018

"Environmental Justice and U. S. Forest Service hazardous fuels reduction: a spatial method for impact assessment of federal resource management actions" in Applied Geography

Adams-Kane, Jonathon 2018

"Regulators’ worries about FHLB risk are outsize" in The American Banker

Adhikari, Ramesh 2018

"Financialization of commodity markets" in Commodities: Markets, Performance, and Strategies

Adsit, Janelle 2018

Critical Creative Writing: Essential Readings on the Writer's Craft

Adsit, Janelle 2018

"Review of California's Best Emerging Poets: An Anthology" in The California Geographer

Adsit, Janelle 2018

"Creative writing and the limits of Naming What We Know: threshold concepts from aesthetic theory and creativity studies in the literary writing curriculum" in New Writing

Aguiar, Alexis 2018

"Nanodiscs Stabilize Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin for Transcriptional Regulation Studies" in ideaFest Poster

Aguirre, Ruby 2018

"Sex Trafficking & Rural Communities: A Literature Review" in Contemporary Rural Social Work Journal

Aguirre, Ruby 2018

"HSU Radical Leadership Development Project" in ideaFest Poster

Aguirre, Ruby 2018

"Evaluation of the Scholars Without Borders (SWB) Undocumented Students Ally Training (USAT)" in ideaFest Poster

Aigner, Carrie J. 2018

 “Prevalence of overweight and obesity among US youth with autism spectrum disorder" in Autism

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Physical activity, body mass index, and health status among youth with severe visual impairments aged 13–17 years in the United States" in Disability and Health Journal

Aigner, Carrie J. 2019

"Prevalence of meeting physical activity, screen-time, and sleep guidelines among children and adolescents with and without visual impairments in the United States" in Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly

Akolo, Mele'ana K. 2018

 "A Feminist Interpretation of Women's Work with Koloa in the Tongan Community" in ideaFest Journal