Byrne, Kerry M. |
2017 |
"Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to precipitation extremes: A synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments" in Global Change Biology
Byrne, Kerry M. |
2017 |
"Contrasting effects of precipitation manipulations in two Great Plains plant communities" in Journal of Vegetation Science |
Cable, Cameron |
2017 |
"Islands of red in sea of blue: Conservatives contemplate the age of Trump at Humboldt State" in Osprey |
Capitolo, Phillip J. |
2019 |
"Changes in Breeding Population sizes of double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Humboldt Bay Area, California, 1924-2017" in Marine Ornithology |
Capitolo, Phillip J. |
2019 |
"Changes in abundance and distribution of nesting Double-crested Cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the San Francisco Bay area, 1975-2017" in Marine Ornithology |
Capobianco, Gina |
2017 |
"Conscious Connection" in CreateSpace |
Cappuccio, Frank |
2017 |
"Synthesis and Evaluation of a Lead Binding Peptoid" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Cappuccio, Jenny A. |
2017 |
"Synthesis and Evaluation of a Lead Binding Peptoid" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Cardoso, Natalie |
2017 |
"Voices Erased from the Environmental Discourse: Understanding Campesin@s Realities and Identities Through Narratives and Forms of Resistances" in Theses and Projects |
Carlson, Kimberly |
2017 |
"Queen for a Day" in Toyon |
Carroll, Allyson L. |
2017 |
"Crown dynamics and wood production of Douglas-fir trees in an old-growth forest" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Carroll, Joseph E. |
2017 |
"Analytical solutions to a network of standard linear solids" in Journal of Engineering Mathematics |
Carter, Adam S. |
2017 |
"Using Programming Process Data to Detect Differences in Students' Patterns of Programming" in Proceedings of SIGCSE '17 |
Carter, Adam S. |
2017 |
"Blending Measures of Programming and Social Behavior into Predictive Models of Student Achievement in Early Computing Courses" in ACM Transactions on Computer Education |
Carter, Adam S. |
2017 |
"IDE-Based Learning Analytics for Computing Education: A Process Model, Critical Review, and Research Agenda" in ACM Transactions on Computing Education |
Carter, David J. |
2017 |
"Fading out Coal" in Bioenergy |
Carter, Harry R. |
2017 |
"Population trends for Scripps's murrelet following eradication of black rats" in The Journal of Wildlife Management |
Carter, Harry R. |
2017 |
"Historical Breeding By Pelagic, Double-Crested, and Brandt's Cormorants In the Salish Sea, 1891–1955" in Northwestern Naturalist |
Carter, Harry R. |
2019 |
"Changes in Breeding Population sizes of double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the Humboldt Bay Area, California, 1924-2017" in Marine Ornithology |
Carter, Harry R. |
2019 |
"Changes in abundance and distribution of nesting Double-crested Cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus in the San Francisco Bay area, 1975-2017" in Marine Ornithology |
Casárez, Iridian |
2017 |
"The Difficulty Of My Name" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos
Cashman, Eileen |
2017 |
"Connecting environmental engineers to the Klamath river via a placed based learning community" in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference |
Castro-Hernández, Stephanie |
2017 |
"The Mom Who Sleeps In The Car" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Ceja, Berenice |
2017 |
“Women Can't Win: Gender Irony and the E-Politics of The Biggest Loser" in Politics, Protest, and Empowerment in Digital Spaces |
Cervania, Ahron |
2017 |
"Modification of Turbulent Pipe Flow Equations to Estimate the Vertical Velocity Profiles Under Woody Debris Jams" in AGU Fall Meeting |