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Displaying 1301 - 1325 of 1358
Author Year Publicationssort ascending
Rieg, Kevin 2017

"Eureka's early modern theatres: the examination of local theatres between 1904-1906" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards

Gage, Tom 2017

"Jones Builds ET" in Presentations

Quarles, Riley 2017

"Jones Builds ET" in Presentations

Gage, Tom 2017

"Jones' Inventions & Patents" in Presentations

Quarles, Riley 2017

"Jones' Inventions & Patents" in Presentations

Gage, Tom 2017

"Iron to Steel" in Presentations

Quarles, Riley 2017

"Iron to Steel" in Presentations

Gage, Tom 2017

"Value of Jones' Patents" in Presentations

Quarles, Riley 2017

"Value of Jones' Patents" in Presentations

Gage, Tom 2017

"Unsolved Questions" in Presentations

Quarles, Riley 2017

"Unsolved Questions" in Presentations

Gage, Tom 2017

"The Cradle of Civilization" in Presentations

Gage, Tom 2017

"Captain William R. Jones’ Story" in Presentations

Quarles, Riley 2017

"Captain William R. Jones’ Story" in Presentations

Chaudhury, Sarita Ray 2017

"When corporate partnerships are NOT awesome: Leveraging Corporate Missteps and Activist Sentiment in Social Media" in The Dark Side of Social Media

Madar, Heather 2017

"Review of Daughter of Venice: Caterina Corner, Queen of Cyprus and Woman of the Renaissance" in CAA Reviews

Colwell, Mark A. 2017

"Recent Snowy Plover population increase arises from high immigration rate in coastal northern California" in Wader Study

Franklin, Alan B. 2017

"Impact of body condition on influenza A virus infection dynamics in mallards following a secondary exposure" in PLoS ONE

Gara, Tawanda W. 2017

"Leaf spectral proporties track variability in leaf traits across the canopy vertical profile" in EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop Poster

Bond, Rosealea M. 2017

"Early Geomorphic and Fish-Habitat Response to a Unique Large-Dam Removal and Subsequent Major Floods: Carmel River, California" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs

Healy, Sean 2018

"Adolescent weight and health behaviors and their associations with individual, social, and parental factors" in Journal of Physical Activity & Health

Eberhart-Phillips-Hertel, Luke J. 2017

"High fidelity: extra-pair fertilisations in eight Charadrius plover species are not associated with parental relatedness or social mating system" in Journal of Avian Biology

Hoyle, Charles D. 2017

"Corrigendum: The Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-Ranging Operation (Apollo): Two Years of Millimeter-Precision Measurements of the Earth-Moon Range” in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Burkart, Patrick 2017

"The international political economy of the hack: A closer look at markets for cybersecurity software" in Popular Communication

Kim, Sangwon 2017

"Validation of the Korean Attachment to God Inventory" in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality