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Displaying 1251 - 1275 of 1353
Author Year Publications
Torkildson, Siffy 2017

The Pilgrimage Chronicles: Embrace the Quest

Torres, Gabriela Emelyn 2017

"Expect The Unexpected" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Townsend, Scott 2017

"Review of Drawings: A Critical and Chronological Catalogue" in Cal Poly Humboldt Library Rare Book Collection

Tran, Dung Davy 2017

"Giving written corrective feedback to English as a Second Language students in composition classrooms" in The Interdisciplinary Forum

Tran, Dung Davy 2017

"ESL students’ perceptions of non-native composition sections at Missouri State University" in MIDTESOL Conference

Tran, Dung Davy 2017

"Culture shock encountered in American classrooms by a first-time teaching International Teaching Assistant" in MIDTESOL Conference

Trevisan, Dominic A. 2017

"Meaning in life in college students: Implications for college counselors" in Journal of College Counseling

Trevisan, Dominic A. 2017

"How do adults and teens with self-declared Autism Spectrum Disorder experience eye contact? A qualitative analysis of first-hand accounts" in PLOS ONE

Trush, William J. 2017

"Managing diversions in unregulated streams using a modified percent-of-flow approach" in Freshwater Biology

Tuttle, Sharon S. 2017

"Hiring in small colleges in the northwest region" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Tyburczy, Joe 2017

"Baseline Characterization of Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems along the North Coast of California" in Final Report

Tyburczy, Joe 2017

"Baseling characterization of fish communities associated with nearshore rocky reefs in the northern California marine protected area study regions" in California Sea Grant College Program

Uehling, Jessie K. 2017

"Comparative genomics of Mortierella elongata and its bacterial endosymbiont Mycoavidus cysteinexigens" in Environmental Microbiology

Uehling, Jessie K. 2017

"Integrated proteomics and metabolomics suggests symbiotic metabolism and multimodal regulation in a fungal-endobacterial system" in Environmental Microbiology

Uehling, Jessie K. 2017

"Do fungi have an innate immune response? An NLR-based comparison to plant and animal immune systems" in PLoS Pathogens

Urbanus, Erin 2017

"Beauty Over Life" in Toyon

Valdez, Alejandra 2017

"Carrying A Secret" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Valdez, Alejandra 2017

"The Truth Is" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Valencia, Stephanie 2017

"Construction of Niemann Pick Disease Type C1 HEK293 Cell Model utilizing CRISPR Gene editing" in INRSEP Research Poster

Valine, Karissa 2017

“Women Can't Win: Gender Irony and the E-Politics of The Biggest Loser" in Politics, Protest, and Empowerment in Digital Spaces

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2017

"Seasonal effects of macrophyte growth on rainbow trout habitat availability and selection in a low-gradient, groundwater-dominated river" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Van Kirk, Robert W. 2017

"Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America" in Water Resources Research

van Mantgem, Phillip J. 2017

"Assessing spatiotemporal changes in forest carbon turnover times in observational data and models" in AGU Fall Meeting

Vargas Mendoza, Lucero 2017

 "Esta, Es Para Mis Padres" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Vargas-Hernandez, Oscar M. 2017

"Bayesian and likelihood phylogenetic reconstructions of morphological traits are not discordant when taking uncertainty into consideration" in Proceedings of the Royal Society B