Peterson, Matthew L. |
2016 |
"Parallel evolution of the summer steelhead ecotype in multiple populations from Oregon and Northern California" in Conservation Genetics
Pfluger, Kristyna M. |
2016 |
"The effects of heat on δ13c and δ18o ratios in dental enamel: implications for forensic anthropology" in Theses and Projects |
Philips, Sarah Fay |
2016 |
"Spring in the Library" in Check Out the Library |
Philips, Sarah Fay |
2016 |
"L4HSU: Library Lifelong Learning Lounge" in Check Out the Library |
Philips, Sarah Fay |
2016 |
"L4HSU Creates Campus Connections" in Check Out the Library |
Phillips, Holly E. |
2016 |
"Nurturing the spirit of ICWA: reinforcing positive outcomes for indigenous children in out-of-home placement" in Theses and Projects |
Pina, Nicole |
2016 |
"What is Love? A Needs Assessment to Identify a Relevant Teen Dating Violence Education Curriculum for a High School" in IdeaFest Journal |
Pina, Nicole |
2016 |
"What is love? A needs assessment to identify a relevant teen dating violence education curriculum for a high school" in Theses and Projects |
Platt, Johah |
2016 |
"Revelations of Self" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Platt, Johah |
2016 |
"Pantoum Three" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Pond, Jarome G. |
2016 |
"Pathways to reintegration and camaraderie: Humboldt State University veterans hiking group" in Theses and Projects |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Measuring and Characterizing Tris(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) Phosphate Emission from Open Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam" in Indoor Air International Conference
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Net-Zero Energy House: Real-time Monitoring and Simulation" in Indoor Air International Conference |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Characterizing Uncertainty of a Formaldehyde Reference Standard" in Healthy Buildings 2015 Conference |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Measuring Flame Retardant Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam in a Home" in Healthy Buildings 2015 Conference Proceeding |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Energy and Indoor Air Quality Benchmarking of the NIST Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility (NZERTF)" in Proceedings of the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Measuring Airborne Emissions from Cigarette Butts: Literature Review and Experimental Plan" in NIST Interagency/Internal Report |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"The Influence of Chamber Size on Chemical Emissions from Closed Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam" in 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Conference |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Lessons Learned from Spray Polyurethane Foam Emission Testing using Micro-chambers" in 59th Annual Polyurethanes Technical Conference |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
Final Report - Characterization of Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Comparison of Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam using Different Micro- Chambers Systems" in NIST Technical Notes |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Characterization of Emissions from a Non-Ideal Spray Polyurethane Foam Sample - Final Report" in NIST Interagency/Internal Report |
Poppendieck, Dustin G. |
2016 |
"Measuring Temperature in Emission Testing Micro-chambers" in NIST Interagency/Internal Report |
Porter, Dakota |
2016 |
"Pantoum Two" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos
Pradel, Jean Sebastien |
2016 |
"Ultrasensitive laser wave-mixing spectroscopic method for detection and separation of biomarkers and carcinogenic pollutants" in Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XVIII |