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Displaying 876 - 900 of 1184
Author Year Publications
Peterson, Matthew L. 2016

"Parallel evolution of the summer steelhead ecotype in multiple populations from Oregon and Northern California" in Conservation Genetics

Pfluger, Kristyna M. 2016

"The effects of heat on δ13c and δ18o ratios in dental enamel: implications for forensic anthropology" in Theses and Projects

Philips, Sarah Fay 2016

"Spring in the Library" in Check Out the Library

Philips, Sarah Fay 2016

"L4HSU: Library Lifelong Learning Lounge" in Check Out the Library

Philips, Sarah Fay 2016

"L4HSU Creates Campus Connections" in Check Out the Library

Phillips, Holly E. 2016

"Nurturing the spirit of ICWA: reinforcing positive outcomes for indigenous children in out-of-home placement" in Theses and Projects

Pina, Nicole 2016

 "What is Love? A Needs Assessment to Identify a Relevant Teen Dating Violence Education Curriculum for a High School" in IdeaFest Journal

Pina, Nicole 2016

"What is love? A needs assessment to identify a relevant teen dating violence education curriculum for a high school" in Theses and Projects

Platt, Johah 2016

"Revelations of Self" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Platt, Johah 2016

"Pantoum Three" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Pond, Jarome G. 2016

"Pathways to reintegration and camaraderie: Humboldt State University veterans hiking group" in Theses and Projects

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Measuring and Characterizing Tris(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) Phosphate Emission from Open Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam" in Indoor Air International Conference

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Net-Zero Energy House: Real-time Monitoring and Simulation" in Indoor Air International Conference

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Characterizing Uncertainty of a Formaldehyde Reference Standard" in Healthy Buildings 2015 Conference

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Measuring Flame Retardant Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam in a Home" in Healthy Buildings 2015 Conference Proceeding

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Energy and Indoor Air Quality Benchmarking of the NIST Net-Zero Energy Residential Test Facility (NZERTF)" in Proceedings of the 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Measuring Airborne Emissions from Cigarette Butts: Literature Review and Experimental Plan" in NIST Interagency/Internal Report

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"The Influence of Chamber Size on Chemical Emissions from Closed Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam" in 14th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate Conference

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Lessons Learned from Spray Polyurethane Foam Emission Testing using Micro-chambers" in 59th Annual Polyurethanes Technical Conference

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

Final Report - Characterization of Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Comparison of Emissions from Spray Polyurethane Foam using Different Micro- Chambers Systems" in NIST Technical Notes

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Characterization of Emissions from a Non-Ideal Spray Polyurethane Foam Sample - Final Report" in NIST Interagency/Internal Report

Poppendieck, Dustin G. 2016

"Measuring Temperature in Emission Testing Micro-chambers" in NIST Interagency/Internal Report

Porter, Dakota 2016

"Pantoum Two" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Pradel, Jean Sebastien 2016

"Ultrasensitive laser wave-mixing spectroscopic method for detection and separation of biomarkers and carcinogenic pollutants" in Novel Optical Systems Design and Optimization XVIII