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Displaying 101 - 125 of 1183
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Ferrera-Anthony, Patricia 2016

"LatinoNet health fair 2015" in Theses and Projects

Pina, Nicole 2016

"What is love? A needs assessment to identify a relevant teen dating violence education curriculum for a high school" in Theses and Projects

Phillips, Holly E. 2016

"Nurturing the spirit of ICWA: reinforcing positive outcomes for indigenous children in out-of-home placement" in Theses and Projects

Pfluger, Kristyna M. 2016

"The effects of heat on δ13c and δ18o ratios in dental enamel: implications for forensic anthropology" in Theses and Projects

Hassan, Asif 2016

"Evaluating the quality of the led lamps that are appropriate for use with off-grid solar home systems (SHS) in Bangladesh" in Theses and Projects

Hecker, Lee J. 2016

"Habitat suitability and selection of northern pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) at multiple spatial scales" in Theses and Projects

Hostler, Shari 2016

"Community preferences on substance abuse funding for a northern California tribe" in Theses and Projects

Jackson, Jenell I. 2016

"The impact of pests, pathogens, competition, and climate water deficit on whitebark pine populations in the southern Cascades" in Theses and Projects

Jacobsen, Emily 2016

"The school psychology as a problem solver: a systems wide approach to work with high-risk and adjudicated youth" in Theses and Projects

Paulson, Jeffrey Steven 2016

"Logistics of integrating a biomass conversion technology into a centralized biomass recovery operation supply chain" in Theses and Projects

Jasperse, Elyse 2016

"Neighborhood-based disaster preparedness in rural northern California" in Theses and Projects

Patiño, May Rose 2016

"What does it mean to go Paleo? An exploration of the ancestral diet movement" in Theses and Projects

Johns, Robert M. 2016

"School-based assessment, classification, and intervention of neurodevelopmental disorders" in Theses and Projects

Kidd, Judy Sue 2016

"Promoting a sustainable future for a rural nonprofit social service agency: creating a model sustainability plan" in Theses and Projects

Lane, Stephanie 2016

"College Persistence and the Division II Athlete" in Theses and Projects

Pagan, Mary 2016

"Reaching out to find common ground: successful foster parent recruitment and retention" in Theses and Projects

Lapolla, Nathanial J. 2016

"The emotional response to social gaze is a domain specific cognitive mechanism" in Theses and Projects

LaPrise, Stephanie 2016

"Asset based approach to connecting indigenous community members of northern California to resources" in Theses and Projects

Olson, Seaira A. 2016

"Trauma informed practices and education" in Theses and Projects

O'Gorman, Anna 2016

"Strategies for successful aging: a holistic and community based wellness pilot program" in Theses and Projects

Ochoa, Karla Natalie 2016

"Understanding how to work with culturally diverse students through the use of consultation and collaboration" in Theses and Projects

Lymos III, William Thomas 2016

"Bridging youth relationships from clubhouse to teen center: a curriculum for youth led peer-orientation program" in Theses and Projects

MacKaben, Terri 2016

"Advocating for the whole-child: promoting the resiliency of preschool and elementary school students in a multi-tiered framework of support" in Theses and Projects

Obie, Merris D. 2016

"Integrating modified talking circles to create culturally relevant frameworks" in Theses and Reports

McCann, Erin 2016

"Caregiver support groups: training and empowering volunteer facilitators" in Theses and Projects