Alstone, Peter |
2015 |
"Connections beyond the margins of the power grid: Information technology and the evolution of off-grid solar electricity in the developing world" in Dissertations |
Alstone, Peter |
2015 |
"Low-cost LED flashlights and market spoiling in Kenya’s off-grid lighting market" in Energy Efficiency |
Alstone, Peter |
2015 |
"Decentralized energy systems for clean electricity access" in Nature Climate Change |
Alstone, Peter |
2016 |
"2015 California Demand Response Potential Study - Charting California’s Demand Response Future: Interim Report on Phase 1 Results" in LBL Publications |
Altomare, Staci |
2015 |
"Supporting effective implementation of AB12: providing web-based trauma informed resources to Youth Service Bureau case managers serving former foster youth" in Theses and Projects |
Ambriz, Jorge |
2015 |
"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Transportation in Humboldt County" in Library Student Projects
Ames, Gregory |
2015 |
"Annual growth in longleaf (Pinus palustris) and pond pine (P. serotina) in the Sandhills of North Carolina is driven by interactions between fire and climate" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Ames, Gregory |
2015 |
"Multiple environmental drivers structure plant traits at the community level in a pyrogenic ecosystem" in Functional Ecology |
Ames, Gregory |
2016 |
"The more things change, the more they stay the same? When is trait variability important for stability of ecosystem function in a changing environment" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences |
Amses, Kevin R. |
2015 |
"New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Boletales)" in IMA Fungus |
Anderson, Jeffrey K. |
2015 |
"Humboldt Bay: Sea Level Rise, Hydrodynamic Modeling, and Inundation Vulnerability Mapping Final Report" in Local Reports and Publications |
Anderson, Jeffrey K. |
2015 |
"Humboldt Bay: Sea Level Rise, Hydrodynamic Modeling, and Inundation Vulnerability Mapping - Shape file" in Geospatial Data |
Andre, John S. |
2015 |
“Investigations of Water Uptake on Sodium Acetate Trihydrate And Nonhydrate as Model Aerosol Surfaces Using the DRIFTS and ATR-FTIR Techniques” in Proceedings of the National Conference for Undergraduate Research |
Angela, Guadalupe |
2015 |
La Alquimista, poemario basado en la obra de Remedios Varo |
Antoine, Marie E. |
2015 |
"Growth maximization trumps maintenance of leaf conductance in the tallest angiosperm" in Oecologia |
Appiah, Joseph Oduro |
2017 |
"Comparing land change from shale gas infrastructure development in neighboring Utica and Marcellus regions, 2006-2015" in Journal of Land Use Science |
Aquino, Gabriel |
2015 |
"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster |
Arbogast, Brian S. |
2015 |
"Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA loci in the threatened flat-spired three-toothed land snail Triodopsis platysayoides" in Conservation Genetics Resources |
Archibald, Josephine A. |
2015 |
"Modeling denitrification in an agricultural catchment in Central New York" in Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology |
Archibald, Wiley Hall |
2015 |
"Seasonal changes in the distribution and abundance of pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) in South Humboldt Bay, California and its newly enacted marine protected area" in Theses and Projects |
Arroyo, Francine A. |
2015 |
"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal |
Ashton, Donald T. |
2015 |
"Changes across a decade in size, growth, and body condition of western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata) populations on free-flowing and regulated forks of the Trinity River in Northwest California" in Copeia |
Ashton, Donald T. |
2015 |
"Evidence of counter-gradient growth in western pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) across thermal gradients" in Freshwater Biology |
Ashton, Donald T. |
2016 |
"Citizen Scientists Monitor a Deadly Fungus Threatening Amphibian Communities in Northern Coastal California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases |
Axthelm, Kashia |
2015 |
"Development and Validation of the Humboldt Idealism Questionnaire" in ideaFest Poster |