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Displaying 151 - 175 of 774
Author Year Publications
Cook, Carrie E.B. 2015

"When cultures collide: effects of state and federal Indian policy upon the Modoc people" in Theses and Projects

Coonen, Ethan J. 2015

"How do crown structure, light availability, and competition affect trunk growth of (Sequoia sempervirens)?" in Theses and Projects

Coonen, Ethan J. 2015

"Separating effects of crown structure and competition for light on trunk growth of Sequoia sempervirens" in Forest Ecology and Management

Copp, Kyle 2015

"Big Lagoon Estates Area of Deferred Certification North Coast Area Plan Humboldt County Local Coastal Program Proposed Amendment Recommendation" in Theses and Projects

Correale, Monica R. 2015

"Linking child maltreatment to adult couples’ adjustment: attachment style as a mediator" in Theses and Projects

Cox, Annicca 2015

Mapping Disciplinary Values and Rhetorical Concerns through Language

Crawford, Jenny Ruth 2015

"An assessment of Humboldt mediation services for tribal cultural compatibility" in Theses and Projects

Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael 2015

"Vitrification of sperm from marine fish: effect on motility and membrane integrity" in Aquaculture Research

Cuevas-Uribe, Rafael 2015

"Contaminants in muscle tissue from paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis) after being raised in reclaimed effluent water" in Journal of Applied Ichthyology

Cummings, Adam 2015

"Evolution of an aquatic courtship pheromone in the genus Taricha" in Theses and Projects

Cummins, Caylen 2015

"Den-attendance of fishers (Pekania pennanti) and potential impacts of timber harvest on fisher den ecology" in Oregon Zoo Foundation Report

Cunha, Stephen F. 2015

"The Future of Mountain Agriculture" in Mountain Research and Development

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2015

"Correction: Incorporating cold-air pooling into downscaled climate models increases potential refugia for snow-dependent species within the Sierra Nevada Ecoregion, CA" in PLoS ONE

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2015

Geomorphic Mapping to Support River Restoration on the Trinity River Downstream from Lewiston Dam, California, 1980–2011

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2015

Assessing Geomorphic Change Along the Trinity River Downstream from Lewiston Dam, California, 1980 to 2011

Dallasheh, Leena 2015

"Troubled waters: Citizenship and colonial Zionism in Nazareth" in International Journal of Middle East Studies

Davie, Arion J. 2015

“Investigations of Water Uptake on Sodium Acetate Trihydrate And Nonhydrate as Model Aerosol Surfaces Using the DRIFTS and ATR-FTIR Techniques” in Proceedings of the National Conference for Undergraduate Research

Davis, Hannah E. 2015

"Impact of gay male and lesbian characters on TV" in Theses and Projects

De Alba, Christopher 2015

"Engineering the S-Layer Protein RsaA in Caulobacter vibrioides for Heavy Metal Bioremediation" in ideaFest Poster

de Alba, Jose 2015

"Building the body of an organization for sustainable effectiveness" in Theses and Projects

De La O, Sean 2015

"Anabaena Sensory Rhodopsin Nanodiscs to Probe Transcriptional Regulation" in ideaFest Poster

De Leon, Yesenia L. 2015

"Effect of an Invasive Plant and Moonlight on Rodent Foraging Behavior in a Coastal Dune Ecosystem" in PLOS ONE

Deason, Jeff 2015

"The Rickettsia Endosymbiont of Ixodes pacificus Contains All the Genes of De Novo Folate Biosynthesis" in PLoS ONE

Degenstein, Erin Rose 2015

"Predicting habitat suitability for invasive velvet grass (Holcus lanatus) in Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks" in Theses and Projects

DeLara, Ariel 2015

"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster