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Displaying 126 - 150 of 1082
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Deshmukh, Ranjit 2015

"Characterization and Effectiveness of Technologies for India's Electric Grid Reliability and Energy Security" in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Kim, Junghoon 2015

"Prevalence of Sedentary Behavior and Its Association with Diabetes in General Korean Population" in The Journal of Kinesiology Conference

Grosz, Terry 2015

Wildlife Dies without Making a Sound Vol 1 The Adventures of a State Wildlife Officer in the Wildlife Wars

Wu, Elizabeth T. 2015

"Multiple plant traits shape the genetic basis of herbivore community assembly" in Functional Ecology

Moore, Jeffrey E. 2015

"Managing catch of marine megafauna: Guidelines for setting limit reference points" in Marine Policy

Greene, David F. 2015

"Prolonged absence of disturbance associated with increased environmental stress may lead to reduced seedbank size in Picea mariana in boreal eastern North America" in Ecosystems

Jules, Erik S. 2015

"Disturbance response across a productivity gradient: postfire vegetation in serpentine and nonserpentine forests" in Ecosphere

Bourdeau, Paul E. 2015

"What can aquatic gastropods tell us about phenotypic plasticity? A review and meta-analysis" in Heredity

Perry, Charles Hobart 2015

"Repeated measures from FIA data facilitates analysis across spatial scales of tree growth responses to nitrogen deposition from individual trees to whole ecoregions" in Pushing Boundaries: New Directions in Inventory Techniques and Applications: Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Symposium 2015

Benassi, Christopher B. 2015

"The effect of system based training™ on the individual lactate profile and 5-kilometer time trial performance in collegiate distance runners" in Theses and Projects

Lavery, Koa 2015

"Impact of coastal fog on gage height in an old growth redwood forest - Prairie Creek, Redwood State and National Parks" in Theses and Projects

Milbrandt, Eric C. 2015

"Stress in mangrove forests: Early detection and preemptive rehabilitation are essential for future successful worldwide mangrove forest management" in Marine Pollution Bulletin

Montano, Erick 2015

"Spooktacular Inn: Eureka's past isn't the only thing that is haunting the old Eagle House Inn" in Osprey

Adams, Mark D. O. 2015

"Historical framework to explain long-term coupled human and natural system feedbacks: application to a multiple-ownership forest landscape in the northern Great Lakes region, USA" in Ecology & Society

Galioto, Angela 2015

"Development and Validation of the Humboldt Idealism Questionnaire" in ideaFest Poster

Vermeer, Jessica 2015

"Analysis of Holocene Marine Terraces, Cape Mendocino to Mattole River, Northern California: Interpretations and Implications to Mendocino Triple Junction Tectonics" in AGU Fall Meeting

Kornfeld, Ari 2015

"Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence that correlates with canopy photosynthesis on diurnal and seasonal scales in a temperate deciduous forest" in Geophysical Research Letters

Risling Baldy, Cutcha 2015

Xoq’it-Ch’iswa:l On Her They Beat Time, A Flower Dance Is Held For Her: The Revitalization of the Women’s Coming-of-Age Ceremony Part Two” in Two Rivers Tribune

Johnson, Matthew D. 2015

"Pest-removal services provided by birds on small organic farms in northern California" in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Kinziger, Andrew P. 2015

"Using occupancy modelling to compare environmental DNA to traditional field methods for regional-scale monitoring of an endangered aquatic species" in Molecular Ecology Resources

Alstone, Peter 2015

"Connections beyond the margins of the power grid: Information technology and the evolution of off-grid solar electricity in the developing world" in Dissertations

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2015

"Symposium Chair: Building a Better Capstone for Multidisciplinary Education" in Annual Meetings of the Society for Range Management

Makela, Kelly 2015

"Reliability and Validity of the Humboldt Appreciation of Humor Scale" in ideaFest Poster

Nicovich, Sylvia R. 2015

"Latest Pleistocene to Holocene river terrace deformation within the southernmost extent of the little salmon fault zone; geomorphic insights to fault termination and rupture history, Van Duzen River, northern California" in Theses and Projects

Crutsinger, Gregory M. 2015

"Multiple plant traits shape the genetic basis of herbivore community assembly" in Functional Ecology