Swanson, Charles R. |
2015 |
"Annual and seasonal dissolved inorganic nutrient budgets for Humboldt Bay with implications for wastewater dischargers" in Theses and Projects |
Swartz, Shaylyn |
2015 |
"Reliability and Validity of the Humboldt Appreciation of Humor Scale" in ideaFest Poster |
Szewczak, Joseph M. |
2015 |
"Establishing conservation baselines with dynamic distribution models for bat populations facing imminent decline" in Diversity and Distributions |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2015 |
"Black bear marking behaviour at rub trees during the breeding season in northern California" in Journal of Behaviour |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2015 |
"Den-attendance of fishers (Pekania pennanti) and potential impacts of timber harvest on fisher den ecology" in Oregon Zoo Foundation Report |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2015 |
"The effect of restoring cavity structures on mammals in young post-logging forests of the redwood region" in Save the Redwoods League Report |
Szykman Gunther, Micaela |
2015 |
"A potential range expansion of the coastal fisher (Pekania pennanti) population in California (pdf)" in California Fish and Game |
Takesue, Renee K. |
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"Contaminant baselines and sediment provenance along the Puget Sound Energy Transport Corridor, 2015" in USGS Open-File Report |
Taylor, A. Preston |
2015 |
"Black bear marking behaviour at rub trees during the breeding season in northern California" in Journal of Behaviour |
Taylor, Benjamin |
2015 |
"Activating Creativity in Elementary EFL Writing" in ideaFest Poster |
Taylor, Benjamin |
2015 |
"Challenges and successes as a Peace Corps teacher trainer in Micronesia" in Theses and Projects |
Teal, Janae |
2015 |
"Making of a Monster: Media Constructions of Transgender Victims of Homicide" in ideaFest Poster |
Teal, Janae |
2015 |
"'Black trans bodies are under attack': gender non-conforming homicide victims in the U.S. 1995-2014" in Theses and Projects |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2015 |
"Long-term growth-increment chronologies reveal diverse influences of climate forcing on freshwater and forest biota in the Pacific Northwest" in Global Change Biology |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2015 |
"Past and Present Vulnerability of Closed-Canopy Temperate Forests to Altered Fire Regimes: A Comparison of the Pacific Northwest, New Zealand, and Patagonia" in BioScience |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2015 |
"Disturbance and Topography Shape Nitrogen Availability and δ15N over Long-Term Forest Succession" in Ecosystems |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2015 |
"Spatiotemporal fire dynamics in mixed-conifer and aspen forests in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, USA" in Ecological Monographs |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2015 |
"Data from: Spatiotemporal fire dynamics in mixed-conifer and aspen forests in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, USA" in Dryad |
Tepley, Alan J. |
2015 |
"Interactions among spruce beetle disturbance, climate change and forest dynamics captured by a forest landscape model" in Ecosphere |
Thephavongsa, Khanhkeo |
2015 |
"The Rickettsia Endosymbiont of Ixodes pacificus Contains All the Genes of De Novo Folate Biosynthesis" in PLoS ONE |
Thompson, Shawn |
2015 |
"Hospice grief support training" in Theses and Projects |
Thornquist, Heidi K. |
2015 |
"Assessing the role of mini-applications in predicting key performance characteristics of scientific and engineering applications" in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Thurlough, Kayla |
2015 |
"Literacy: An Asset Based Approach" in ideaFest Poster |
Tiana, Ahimsa |
2015 |
"Attachment security and factors of authenticity" in Theses and Projects |
Tissot, Brian N. |
2015 |
"Abalone Without Holes: A Photo Iconography and Study of a Rare Morphological Variant of Haliotis (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda)" in The Festivus