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Displaying 26 - 50 of 1083
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Alstone, Peter 2015

"Connections beyond the margins of the power grid: Information technology and the evolution of off-grid solar electricity in the developing world" in Dissertations

Alstone, Peter 2015

"Low-cost LED flashlights and market spoiling in Kenya’s off-grid lighting market" in Energy Efficiency

Alstone, Peter 2015

"Decentralized energy systems for clean electricity access" in Nature Climate Change

Alstone, Peter 2016

"2015 California Demand Response Potential Study - Charting California’s Demand Response Future: Interim Report on Phase 1 Results" in LBL Publications

Altomare, Staci 2015

"Supporting effective implementation of AB12: providing web-based trauma informed resources to Youth Service Bureau case managers serving former foster youth" in Theses and Projects

Ambriz, Jorge 2015

"Humboldt Hindsight is 2020: Transportation in Humboldt County" in Library Student Projects

Ames, Gregory 2015

"Annual growth in longleaf (Pinus palustris) and pond pine (P. serotina) in the Sandhills of North Carolina is driven by interactions between fire and climate" in Forest Ecology and Management

Ames, Gregory 2015

"Multiple environmental drivers structure plant traits at the community level in a pyrogenic ecosystem" in Functional Ecology

Ames, Gregory 2016

"The more things change, the more they stay the same? When is trait variability important for stability of ecosystem function in a changing environment" in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Amses, Kevin R. 2015

"New sequestrate fungi from Guyana: Jimtrappea guyanensis gen. sp. nov., Castellanea pakaraimophila gen. sp. nov., and Costatisporus cyanescens gen. sp. nov. (Boletaceae, Boletales)" in IMA Fungus

Anderson, Jeffrey K. 2015

"Humboldt Bay: Sea Level Rise, Hydrodynamic Modeling, and Inundation Vulnerability Mapping Final Report" in Local Reports and Publications

Anderson, Jeffrey K. 2015

"Humboldt Bay: Sea Level Rise, Hydrodynamic Modeling, and Inundation Vulnerability Mapping - Shape file" in Geospatial Data

Andre, John S. 2015

“Investigations of Water Uptake on Sodium Acetate Trihydrate And Nonhydrate as Model Aerosol Surfaces Using the DRIFTS and ATR-FTIR Techniques” in Proceedings of the National Conference for Undergraduate Research

Angela, Guadalupe 2015

La Alquimista, poemario basado en la obra de Remedios Varo

Antoine, Marie E. 2015

"Growth maximization trumps maintenance of leaf conductance in the tallest angiosperm" in Oecologia

Appiah, Joseph Oduro 2017

"Comparing land change from shale gas infrastructure development in neighboring Utica and Marcellus regions, 2006-2015" in Journal of Land Use Science

Aquino, Gabriel 2015

"Critical Multicultural Literacy for Social Justice" in ideaFest Poster

Arbogast, Brian S. 2015

"Isolation and characterization of microsatellite DNA loci in the threatened flat-spired three-toothed land snail Triodopsis platysayoides" in Conservation Genetics Resources

Archibald, Josephine A. 2015

"Modeling denitrification in an agricultural catchment in Central New York" in Sustainability of Water Quality and Ecology

Archibald, Wiley Hall 2015

"Seasonal changes in the distribution and abundance of pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) in South Humboldt Bay, California and its newly enacted marine protected area" in Theses and Projects

Arroyo, Francine A. 2015

"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Ashton, Donald T. 2015

"Changes across a decade in size, growth, and body condition of western pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata) populations on free-flowing and regulated forks of the Trinity River in Northwest California" in Copeia

Ashton, Donald T. 2015

"Evidence of counter-gradient growth in western pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) across thermal gradients" in Freshwater Biology

Ashton, Donald T. 2016

"Citizen Scientists Monitor a Deadly Fungus Threatening Amphibian Communities in Northern Coastal California, USA" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Axthelm, Kashia 2015

"Development and Validation of the Humboldt Idealism Questionnaire" in ideaFest Poster