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Displaying 951 - 975 of 1085
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2015

"Response of seeded native wildflower populations to seasonal grazing at Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge" in Society for Range Management Annual Meeting Poster

Solverson, Anna P. 2015

"Response of step-pool streams three years after the Waldo Canyon fire in Colorado" in American Geophysical Union Meeting

Le Doux-Bloom, Cynthia 2015

"River Otter (Lontra canadensis) Case Study in Baylands Habitat Ecosystem Habitat Goals" in US EPA

Buchheister, Andre 2015

"Simulating bottom-up effects on predator productivity and consequences for the rebuilding timeline of a depleted population" in Ecological Modelling

Edinger-Marshall, Susan B. 2015

"Symposium Chair: Building a Better Capstone for Multidisciplinary Education" in Annual Meetings of the Society for Range Management

Delheimer, Matthew S. 2015

"The effect of restoring cavity structures on mammals in young post-logging forests of the redwood region" in Save the Redwoods League Report

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2015

"The effect of restoring cavity structures on mammals in young post-logging forests of the redwood region" in Save the Redwoods League Report

Bloedon, Taylor K. 2015

"The effect of wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) consumption on oxidative stress, inflammation, and DNA damage associated with exercise" in Comparative Exercise Physiology

Trimingham, Catherine 2015

"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

DeLara, Ariel 2015

"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

Skinner-Rosenberg, Dylan 2015

"The Effects of Grazing on Above Ground Plant Biomass, Microbial Respiration, Net Ammonification, and Select Physical Properties of Coastal Prairie Soils" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

Furniss, Sean 2015

"The Experiences of an Impressed New Hampshire Seaman" in Historical New Hampshire

Harvey, Bret C. 2015

"Understanding anadromy as an individual adaptive behaviour: theory and its consequences. In: Sea Trout: Science & Management" in Proceedings of the 2nd International Sea Trout Symposium

Mousaviraad, Maysam 2015

"Validation of CFD-MBD FSI for High Fidelity Simulations of Full-Scale WAM-V Sea Trials with Suspended Payload" in 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2015)

Maccarthy, Jamie 2015

"“I descend into mictlán”: (re)imagining threads of connection between the erotic, darkness, and the shadow-beast in the writing of Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Joy Harjo" in Theses and Projects

Bates, Diane C. 2015

Superstorm Sandy: The inevitable destruction and reconstruction of the Jersey Shore

Steinberg, Steven J. 2015

GIS Research Methods: Incorporating Spatial Perspectives

Steinberg, Sheila L. 2015

GIS Research Methods: Incorporating Spatial Perspectives

Marschke, Benjamin 2015

A Companion to German Pietism, 1660-1800

Dengler, Lori A. 2015

The Extraordinary Voyage of Kamome: A Tsunami Boat Comes Home

Deshmukh, Ranjit 2015

Renewable Energy Zones for the Africa Clean Energy Corridor

Perry, Charles Hobart 2015

The U.S. Forest Carbon Accounting Framework: Stocks and Stock Change, 1990-2016

Curtis, Jennifer A. 2015

Assessing Geomorphic Change Along the Trinity River Downstream from Lewiston Dam, California, 1980 to 2011

Hemphill-Haley, Eileen 2015

Chance Findings about Early Holocene Tidal Marshes of Grays Harbor, Washington, in Relation to Rapidly Rising Seas and Great Subduction Earthquakes

Fusek, Adrienne 2015

"Effects of an International Experience Requirement, Year in School, and Preferred Program Duration on Student Interest in Study Abroad" in Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad