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Displaying 926 - 950 of 1085
Author Year Publicationssort descending
Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2015

"California's marine fisheries: tradeoffs in transition" in Ecosystems of California

Zender, Joshua R. 2015

"Cannabis Deregulation & Municipal Bond Market Rates” in Association of Government Accountants Conference

Eldridge, Michael 2015

"Caresser's Dominion: Race, Nation, and Calypso in Postwar Canada" in Small Axe

Bruner, Michael S. 2015

"Chapter" in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Food Issues

Martin, Steven R. 2015

"Coastal Recreation Visitor Study" in Bureau of Land Management Final Report

Marschke, Benjamin 2015

"Competing Post-Baroque Masculinities: Pietist Masculinity and Prussian Masculinity in the Early Eighteenth Century" in Gender im Pietismus: Netzwerke und Geschlechter-Konstruktionen

Cox, Anicca 2015

"Composing pedagogies of labor" in Conference on College Composition and Communication

Risling Baldy, Cutcha 2015

"Coyote is Not a Metaphor: On Decolonizing, Renaming and Reclaiming Coyote" in Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society

Szykman Gunther, Micaela 2015

"Den-attendance of fishers (Pekania pennanti) and potential impacts of timber harvest on fisher den ecology" in Oregon Zoo Foundation Report

Cummins Kelsey, Caylen M. 2015

"Den-attendance of fishers (Pekania pennanti) and potential impacts of timber harvest on fisher den ecology" in Oregon Zoo Foundation Report

Rebenack, J. J. 2015

"Early emigration of juvenile coho salmon: implications for population monitoring" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Curiel, Barbara Brinson 2015

"Fighting back: Boxing, violence, and masculinity in Victor Martinez’s Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Greene, David F. 2015

"Fire disturbances in forest ecosystems" in Handbook of Forest Ecology

Buchheister, Andre 2015

"Food habits and trophic guild structure of a diverse fish assemblage in Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A." in Journal of Fish Biology

Zender, Joshua R. 2015

"Forecasting the Impact of Cannabis Open Markets” in NSSA Summer Conference

Le Doux-Bloom, Cynthia 2015

"Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities Draft Environmental Impact Statement/ Overseas Environmental Impact Statement- Supplemental" in  Department of the Navy

Lasko, Angelina 2015

"Isolation and DNA Extraction of Phytophthora from Four Wildland Soil Types in Northern California, Humboldt County" in Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Poster

Oberlander, Cyril 2015

"Open SUNY Textbook Program" in Library Consortia: Models for Collaboration and Sustainability

Kim, Junghoon 2015

"Physical Activity and Medical Expenditure in General Korean Adults" in The Journal of Kinesiology Conference

Kim, Junghoon 2015

"Physical activity for prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndrome" in Northeast Asia Conference of Kinesiology

Kim, Junghoon 2015

"Physical Activity, Dietary Vitamin C, and Metabolic Syndrome in the Korean Adults: the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008 to 2012" in Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health Conference

Ratner, Carl 2015

"Political Neutrality and The Cooperative Movement" in Center for Popular Economics

Kim, Junghoon 2015

"Prevalence of Sedentary Behavior and Its Association with Diabetes in General Korean Population" in The Journal of Kinesiology Conference

Browne, Brandon L. 2015

"Rates of Magma Ascent and Storage" in The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes

Fusek, Adrienne 2015

"Reporting Rules Undermine Clery Act Goals: Lifting Burdens Would Help Law Enforcement Keep Campuses Safe" in Community College Week