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Displaying 26 - 50 of 962
Author Year Publications
Alstone, Peter 2014

"Field study methods and results from a market trial of led lighting for night market vendors in rural Kenya" in Light and Engineering

Alstone, Peter 2014

"High life cycle efficacy explains fast energy payback for improved off-grid lighting systems" in Journal of Industrial Ecology

Alvarez, Justin 2014

"A mapping technique to evaluate age-0 salmon habitat response from restoration" in Restoration Ecology

Alvaro, Pedro R. 2014

"Determination of Metal Accumulation and Loading in the Oxidation Ponds at the Arcata Wastewater Treatment Facility" in Final report to the Environmental Services Department

Ames, Gregory 2015

"Annual growth in longleaf (Pinus palustris) and pond pine (P. serotina) in the Sandhills of North Carolina is driven by interactions between fire and climate" in Forest Ecology and Management

Anderson, Jeffrey K. 2014

"Preliminary Data Release for the Humboldt Bay Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessment: Humboldt Bay Sea Level Rise Inundation Mapping" in Local Reports and Publications

Anguiano, Anna M. 2014

"Opportunities and challenges for Latino victims of domestic violence in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Armstrong, Zoe 2014

"International Outing" in Curve

Arnold, Todd W. 2014

"A multiscale assessment of tree avoidance by prairie birds" in The Condor

Arnold, Todd W. 2014

"Factors influencing nest survival and renesting by Piping Plovers in the Great Lakes region" in The Condor

Arroyo, Francine A. 2015

"Isolation and Characterization of Novel Iron-oxidizing Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Bacteria from Boiling Springs Lake, an Oligotrophic, Acidic Geothermal Habitat" in Geomicrobiology Journal

Ashton, Donald T. 2014

"Effects of water temperature on breeding phenology, growth, and metamorphosis of foothill yellow-legged frogs (Rana boylii): a case study of the regulated mainstem and unregulated tributaries of California's Trinity River" in River Research and Applications

Atienza, Paul Michael Leonardo 2014

"Internet" in Asian American Society: An Encyclopedia

Attallah, Maral 2014

"The Stories We (Don't) Tell: Re-Writing Collective Memory & Identity" in Audio Recordings

Bacon, Steven N. 2014

"Mapping Quaternary alluvial fans in the southwestern United States based on multiparameter surface roughness of lidar topographic data" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface

Bacon, Steven N. 2014

"Pluvial lakes in the Great Basin of the western United States—a view from the outcrop" in Quaternary Science Reviews

Baibak, Bethany 2014

"Genetic structure of eelgrass (Zostera marina) within Humboldt Bay, California" in Theses and Projects

Bailey, Melinda 2014

"An integrative secondary life science curriculum using select ecological topics pertaining to forest ecosystems of north coast California" in Theses and Projects

Baker, Angela M. Darnell 2014

"Space Use of African Wild Dogs in Relation to Other Large Carnivores" in PLOS ONE

Baker, J. Mark 2014

"Patterns of Irrigated Agricultural Land Conversion in a Western U.S. Watershed: Implications for Landscape-Level Water Management and Land-Use Planning" in Society and Natural Resources

Baldwin, Steven D. 2014

"Realignment, rehabilitation and reintegration and reform in Humboldt County" in Theses and Projects

Banks, Douglas D. 2014

"Relationship between native-state solubility and non-native aggregation of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor: practical implications for protein therapeutic development" in Molecular Pharmaceutics

Banks, Eric 2014

"Childhood trauma and intergenerational transmission of family violence in a court-ordered batterer intervention program" in Theses and Programs

Banwell, Erin M. 2014

"Intercomparison of fire size, fuel loading, fuel consumption, and smoke emissions estimates on the 2006 tripod fire, Washington, USA" in Fire Ecology

Banwell, Erin M. 2014

"Structure and composition of forest floor fuels in long-unburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA" in International Journal of Wildland Fire