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Displaying 2826 - 2850 of 18076
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Beck, Maurie J. 2000

"Song post and foraging site characteristics of breeding varied thrushes in northwestern California" in Condor

Boston, Kevin D. 2000

"A Comparison of Felling Techniques on Stump Height and Log Damage with Economic Interpretations" in Western Journal of Applied Forestry

Colwell, Mark A. 2000

"Shorebird distributions on ocean beaches of northern California" in Journal of Field Ornithology

Engel, Richard A. 2000

"A photovoltaic/fuel cell power system for a remote telecommunications station" in Conference Record of the Twenty-Eighth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference

Thobaben, Marshelle 2000

"Joe Learned to Cook" in Home Health Care Management & Practice

Steinhagen, Elizabeth N. 2000

"Flexibility in the Management of Cataloging" in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Wilzbach, Margaret A. 2000

"Profitable stream positions differ for brook trout and cutthroat trout" in Wild Trout VII.  Management in the New Millenium: are we ready?

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2000

"Viable salmonid populations and the recovery of evolutionarily significant units" in NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-42

Welsh, Jr., Hartwell H. 2000

"Aquatic ecosystems of the redwood region" in The redwood forest: history, ecology and conservation of the coast redwoods

Trush, William J. 2000

"Attributes of an alluvial river and their relation to water policy and management" in PNA

Sawyer Jr., John O. 2000

"Characteristics of redwood forests" in The Redwood Forest; History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods

Thobaben, Marshelle 2000

"Type II Diabetes" in Home Health Care Management & Practice

Walton, Judy 2000

"Community Now? New Urbanism in Theory and Practice" in Proceedings of AAG Annual Meeting

Steinhagen, Elizabeth N. 2000

"Leaders of Bibliographic Control– The Chilean Experience: Maria Teresa Sanz Briso-Montiano and Soledad Fernández-Corugedo" in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Reiss, Karen Z. 2000

"Feeding in myrmecophagous mammals" in Feeding: form, function, and evolution in tetrapod vertebrates

Bjorkstedt, Eric P. 2000

"Stock-recruitment relationships for life cycles that exhibit concurrent density dependence" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Kalt, Jennifer 2000

"Reproductive isolation in five hybridizing species of western gooseberries (Ribes: Grossulariaceae)" in Theses and Projects

Han, Han-Sup 2000

"Scar Closure and Future Timber Value Losses from Thinning Damage in Oregon" in Forest Products Journal

Welsh, Jr., Hartwell H. 2000

"Evidence of lingual-luring by an aquatic snake" in Journal of Herpetology

Chinn, Phyllis Zweig 2000

"Fibonacci in a bin-packing problem" in Proceedings of the Thirty-first Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing

Sawyer Jr., John O. 2000

"Redwood trees, communities and ecosystems; a closer look" in The Redwood Forest; History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods

Boston, Kevin D. 2000

"Forest management decisions for wildlife objectives: system resolution and optimality" in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

Mathis, Ryan L. 2000

"Analysis of long-billed curlew (Numenius americanus) distributions at three spatial scales" in Theses and Projects

Sanville, Cheri J. 2000

"The diversity of litter-decomposing fungi in riparian Sitka spruce forests" in Theses and Projects

Johnson, Matthew D. 2000

"Effects of Shade-Tree Species and Crop Structure on the Winter Arthropod and Bird Communities in a Jamaican Shade Coffee Plantation" in Biotropica