Year | Publication |
2005 | |
2006 | |
2008 | "Creating invasion resistant soils via nitrogen management" in Invasive Plant Science and Management |
2008 | "Nitrogen enhances the competitive ability of cheatgrass (Bromus tectotum) relative to native grasses" in Invasive Plant Science and Management |
2009 | "Functional group responses to reciprocal plant litter exchanges between native and invasive plant dominated grasslands" in Invasive Plant Science and Management |
2010 | "Invasive plants on rangelands: A global threat" in Rangelands |
2010 | "Applying ecologically based invasive-plant management" in Rangeland Ecology and Management |
2010 | "Principles for ecologically based invasive plant management" in Invasive Plant Science and Management |
2011 | "Using rangeland health assessment to inform successional management" in Invasive Plant Science and Management |
2012 | |
2012 | "Landscape-scale rehabilitation of medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae)-dominated sagebrush steppe" in Invasive Plant Science and Management |
2014 |