Year | Publication |
1979 | "Sightings and Strandings of Cetaceans from Northern California" in Journal of Mammalogy |
1980 | "Seasonal Occurrence and Haul-Out Use in Pinnipeds along Humboldt County, California" in Journal of Mammalogy |
1981 | "Aquatic Displays and Interactions in Harbor Seals, Phoca vitulina, with Comments on Mating Systems" in Journal of Mammalogy |
1982 | "Agonistic Behavior and Dominance Relationships in the Harbor Seal, Phoca vitulina" in Journal of Mammalogy |
1983 | "Observations of Gray Whales (Eschrichtius robustus) along Northern California" in Journal of Mammalogy |
1990 | |
1995 | "Historical and Ecological Biogeography of Nearctic Pikas (Lagomorpha: Ochotonidae)" in Journal of Mammalogy |
2022 | "Sea level rise vulnerability assessment for State wildlife areas surrounding Humboldt Bay, northern California" in Local Reports and Publications |