First Name: John D.Last Name: StuartPublications: YearPublication 1983"Mountain pine beetle scarring of lodgepole pine in south-central Oregon" in Forest Ecology and Management 1984"Hazard rating of lodgepole pine stands to mountain pine beetle outbreaks in southcentral Oregon." in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 1987"Fire History of an Old-Growth Forest of Sequoia Sempervirens (Taxodiaceae) Forest in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California" in Madroño 1989"Lodgepole pine regeneration in an old, self-perpetuating forest in south central Oregon" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 1993"Leaf-litter accretion and decomposition in interior and coastal old- growth redwood stands" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 1994"Fire history and stand development of a Douglas-fir/hardwood forest in northern California" in Northwest Science 1995"Introduction History and Invasion Patterns of Ammophila arenaria on the North Coast of California" in Conservation Biology 1996"Plant Associations of Castle Crags State Park, Shasta County, California" in Madroño 2000"Fire history of white fir forests in the coastal mountains of northwestern California" in Northwest Science 2000"Old-Growth Forest Associations in the Northern Range of Coastal Redwood" in Madroño 2001Trees and Shrubs of California 2002"Review of The Redwood Forest: History, Ecology, and the Conservation of the Coast Redwoods" in Conservation Biology 2005"Vegetation responses to natural and salvage logged fire edges in Douglas-fir/hardwood forests" in Forest Ecology and Management 2006Chapter 10 "North Coast bioregion" in Fire in California's Ecosystems 2009"Presettlement and modern disturbance regimes in coast redwood forests: Implications for the conservation of old-growth stands" in Forest Ecology and Management 2012"Seed viability and fire-related temperature treatments in serotinous California native Hesperocyparis species" in Fire Ecology