First Name: Mark A.Last Name: RizzardiPublications: YearPublication 1996"She loves me, she loves me not: Pondering over an ordinal-valued time series of tropical flowers" in Theses and Projects 1997"Diversity and abundance of bees visiting a mass flowering tree species in disturbed seasonal dry forest, Costa Rica" in Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 2008"A State-Space Model for Univariate Ordinal-Valued Time Series" in Natural Resource Modeling 2009"Native bees are a rich natural resource in urban California gardens" in California Agriculture 2013"Relationships of bees to host ornamental and weedy flowers in urban northwest guanacaste province, Costa Rica" in Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 2018"Survey of Native and Honey Bees from Agricultural Brentwood and their Constructed Bee Gardens in Northern California, 2010-2018" in Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 2020"Competition at the soybean V6 stage affects root morphology and biochemical composition" in Plant Biology 2024"Hedgerow Gardens Provide Floral Resources for Diverse Insect Visitors to Avocado Fowers in Southern California" in Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society