First Name: Archie S.Last Name: MossmanPublications: YearPublication 1952"From Field and Study: Notes on the Sexual Behavior of Two Falcons" in The Condor 1955"Reproduction of the Brush Rabbit in California" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1957"From Field and Study: Hooded Mergansers at Afognak Island, Alaska" in The Condor 1958"Selective Predation of Glaucous-Winged Gulls upon Adult Red Salmon" in Ecology 1958"Winter Records of Bats in Alaska" in Journal of Mammalogy 1960"A Color Marking Technique" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1962"Ovulation, implantation, and fetal sex ratio in impala" in Science 1962"Abundance and Population Structure of Wild Ungulates in Some Areas of Southern Rhodesia" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1962"Some African Techniques for Capturing Mammals" in Journal of Mammalogy 1962"Population Studies of Impala in Southern Rhodesia" in Journal of Mammalogy 1962"Reproduction in Some Ungulates in Southern Rhodesia" in Journal of Mammalogy 1962"Road Strip Counts for Estimating Numbers of African Ungulates" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1963"Neck Snare for Live Capture of African Ungulates" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1965"Sound of Common Waterbuck" in Journal of Mammalogy 1965"Right horn implantation in the common duiker" in Science 1970"Environmental Crisis and the Wildlife Ecologist" in BioScience 1974"Elk Drowning" in The Murrelet 1974Conservation 1975"Social Organization and Home Range of Roosevelt Elk" in Journal of Mammalogy 1976Wildlife Utilization and Game Ranching: Report on a Study of Recent Progress in this Field in Southern Africa 1977"Evidence of a specific nidation site in ruminants" in American Journal of Anatomy 1982"Reviewed Work: Wildlife Management Techniques Manual by Sanford D. Schemnitz" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1985"Another Solution" in BioScience 1986"Reviewed Work: Management of Large Mammals in African Conservation Areas by R. Norman Owen-Smith" in The Journal of Wildlife Management 1989"Appropriate technology for rural development" in Wildlife Production Systems 1996"Distribution of mule deer in relation to water sources in Northern California" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1998"Water use patterns of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and the effects of human disturbance" in Journal of Arid Environments