Year | Publication |
1993 | “The population biology of two litter decomposing agarics on a southern Appalachian mountain” in Mycologia |
1994 | “Mycorrhizal syntheses with Alnus serrulata (Ait.) Willd” in Castanea |
1996 | Mycology: Laboratory Manual to accompany Botany\Plant Pathology |
1996 | “Fungal inventories - a status report and exhortation” in McIlvainea |
1997 | “Diversity and local distribution of mating alleles in Marasmiellus praeacutus and Collybia subnuda (Basidiomycetes, Agaricales)” in Canadian Journal of Botany |
1997 | “Intersterility groups in Collybia subnuda” in Mycologia |
1999 | "Macrofungal species diversity of a temperate oak forest: a test of species richness estimators" in Canadian Journal of Botany |
1999 | "“Utilizing foray records to document fungal diversity across North America” in McIlvainea |
2002 | “Population monitoring and conservation of the black Toad Bufo exsul” in Southwestern Naturalist |
2004 | “Temporal and spatial variation in the spore rain of Gymnopus subnudus measured by the spore trap method” in Fungi in Forest Systems: Memoirs of the New York Botanical Gardens |
2005 | "Field key to the marasmioid fungi in the Pacific Northwest" in Keys of the Pacific Northwest Key Council |