First Name: Robert C.Last Name: McPhersonPublications: YearPublication 1992"Seismicity and stress at the southern end of the Cascadia Subduction Zone" in Field Guide to the Late Cenozoic Subduction Tectonics & Sedimentation of Northern Coastal California 1992"Sources of north coast seismicity" in California Geology 1992"The 17 August 1991 Honeydew earthquake, North Coast California: A case for revising the Modified Mercalli scale in sparsely populated areas" in California Geology 1993"The Cape Mendocino, California, Earthquakes of April 1992: Subduction at the Triple Junction" in Science 1993"Seismicity of the Gorda Plate, structure of the continental margin, and an eastward jump of the Mendocino Triple Junction" in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 1993"The 17 August 1991 Honeydew earthquake, North Coast California: A case for revising the Modified Mercalli scale in sparsely populated areas" in Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 1995"The September 1, 1994, Mendocino Fault Earthquake" in California Geology 2006"Signatures of Quaternary crustal deformation and landscape evolution in the Mendocino deformation zone, NW California" in Local Reports and Publications 2006"Seismicity and Plate Geometry of the Mendocino Triple Junction Region, Northern California (1986-2006)" in AGU Fall Meeting 2012"The role of the Little salmon fault in accommodating deformation associated with the migration of the Mendocino triple junction" in AGU Fall Meeting 2014"Characterizing Recent Slip on the Kuikui Fault, a Link Between the Green Valley and Bartlett Springs Fault Zones, Wilson Valley, Northern California" in AGU Fall Meeting 2016"Complicated Kinematics In The Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone" in AGU Fall Meeting 2016 2018"Upper Plate Deformation Across Active Faults in the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone, Northern California: Geodetic Slip Rate Estimates Compared with Geologic Rates" in AGU Fall Meeting 2022"A Distributed Acoustic Sensing Experiment Above the Subducted Gorda Slab" in AGU Fall Meeting 2023"20th to 21st Century Relative Sea and Land Level Changes in Northern California: Tectonic Land Level Changes and their Contribution to Sea-Level Rise, Humboldt Bay Region, Northern California" in Local Reports and Publications