First Name: Eric J.Last Name: LoudenslagerPublications: YearPublication 1978"Variation in the genetic structure of Peromyscus populations. I. Genetic heterozygosity—its relationship to adaptive divergence" in Biochemical Genetics 1979"Genetic Similarity of Two Forms of Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarki, in Wyoming" in Copeia 1980"Geographic Patterns of Protein Variation and Subspeciation in Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarki" in Systematic Zoology 1983"Evidence of a major environmental component in determination of the grilse: Larger salmon ratio in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)" in Aquaculture 1984"Electrophoretic Variation among Subspecies of Tule Perch (Hysterocarpus traski)" in Copeia 1985"Electrophoretic Study of Cutthroat Troat Populations in Utah" in The Great Basin Naturalist 1986"Biochemical Genetic Studies of Native Arizona and New Mexico Trout" in The Southwestern Naturalist 1986"Genetic and environmental components of variation for growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)" in Aquaculture 1991"The genetics of California populations of the blue mussel: Further evidence for the existence of electrophoretically distinguishable species or subspecies" in Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 1991"Twenty-Four-Hour Seawater Challenge Test for Coastal Cutthroat Trout" in The Progressive Fish-Culturist 2002"Hatchery Surpluses in the Pacific Northwest" in Fisheries 2005Chapter 12 "Federal and State Approaches to Salmon Recovery at the Millennium" in Return to the River: Restoring Salmon Back to the Columbia River 2005"Genetic Analyses of Juvenile Steelhead, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, and Their Hybrids Differ Substantially from Field Identifications" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2007"Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Fish and Wildlife Restoration Projects in the Columbia River Basin: Lessons Learned and Suggestions for Large-Scale Monitoring Programs" in Fisheries Magazine 2008"Hybridization between Spring- and Fall-Run Chinook Salmon Returning to the Trinity River, California" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management 2008"Errors in Visual Identifications of Juvenile Steelhead, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, and Their Hybrids (pdf)" in Coastal Cutthroat Trout Symposium 2011"Hatchery Surpluses in the Pacific Northwest" in Fisheries Magazine