First Name: Anil RajLast Name: KizhaPublications: YearPublication 2016"Predicting Aboveground Biomass in Second Growth Coast Redwood: Comparing Localized with Generic Allometric Models" in Forests 2016"Processing and sorting forest residues: Cost, productivity and managerial impacts" in Biomass and Bioenergy 2018"Annotated Bibliography of the Global Literature on the Secondary Transportation of Raw and Comminuted Forest Products (2000–2015)" in Forests 2019"Impacts of silvicultural prescriptions and implementation of best management practices on timber harvesting costs" in International Journal of Forest Engineering 2019"Integrating Biomass Conversion Technologies with Recovery Operations In-Woods: Modeling Supply Chain" in Logistics 2020"Comparing hot and cold loading in an integrated biomass recovery operation" in Forests 2021"Wood biomass recovery cost under different harvesting methods and market conditions" in International Journal of Forest Engineering 2021"Residual Stand Damage under Different Harvesting Methods and Mitigation Strategies" in Sustainability 2022"Timber harvesting on fragile ground and impacts of uncertainties in the operational costs" in International Journal of Forest Engineering 2022"Factors Affecting Operational Cost and Productivity of Ground-Based Timber Harvesting Machines: a Meta-analysis" in Current Forestry Reports 2023"Tree-level responses to commercial thinning in spruce-fir forests across northern Maine, USA" in Forest Ecology and Management 2024"Influence of Hydro, Mechanical, and Chemical Treatments to Seed for Germination and Seedling Growth of Saraca asoca (Roxb. De Wilde)" in Seeds 2024"Constraints and opportunities in harvesting woody biomass: perspectives of foresters and loggers in the Northeastern United States" in International Journal of Forest Engineering 2024"Carbon footprint of the predominant mechanized timber harvesting methods in the Northeastern US" in Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy