First Name: R. J.Last Name: GutierrezPublications: YearPublication 1975"Reproductive Biology of the Band-Tailed Pigeon in Colorado and New Mexico" in The Auk 1981"The Coccidia of Quail in the United States" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases 1983"Genic Variation, Systematic, and Biogeographic Relationships of Some Galliform Birds" in The Auk 1985"Juvenile spotted owl dispersal in northwestern California: Preliminary results" in Ecology and management of spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest 1986"The use of guilds and guild-indicator species for assessing habitat suitability" in Wildlife 2000: modelling habitat relationships of terrestrial vertebrates 1987"Evaluation of guild-indicator species for use in resource management" in Environmental Management 1989"Hematozoa from the spotted owl" in Journal of Wildlife Diseases 1990"Genetic Variation and Differentiation in the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis)" in The Auk 1990"Density of Northern Spotted Owls in Northwest California" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1990"Sexual dimorphism in Northern Spotted Owls from northwest California" in Journal of Field Ornithology 1991"Age determination of subadult northern spotted owls in northwest California" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 1991"Using Search Time and Regression to Estimate Abundance of Territorial Spotted Owls" in Ecological Applications 1991"Ecomorphological relationships of a guild of ground-foraging birds in northern California, USA" in Oecologia 1992"Habitat associations of California spotted owls in the central Sierra Nevada" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1992"Spotted Owl Roost and Nest Site Selection in Northwestern California" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1994"Review of Ecology and Management of the Mourning Dove" in The Auk 1994"Ectoparasites of the spotted owl" in Journal of Raptor Research 1994"Spotted owl metapopulation dynamics in southern California" in Journal of Animal Ecology 1995"Habitat Configuration around Spotted Owl Sites in Northwestern California" in Ornithological Applications 1995"Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis)" in The Birds of North America 1995"Breeding habitat of the Mexican spotted owl in the Tularosa Mountains, New Mexico" in Condor 1996"Adaptive significance of growth patterns in juvenile spotted owls" in Canadian Journal of Zoology 1996"Demographic characteristics and trends of northern spotted owls in northwestern California" in Studies in Avian Biology 1996"Feasibility of a random quadrat study design to estimate changes in density of Mexican spotted owls" in USDA Forest Service Research Papers 1996"History of demographic studies in the management of the Northern Spotted Owl" in Studies in Avian Biology 1996"Intermountain movement by Mexican spotted owls (Strix occidentalis lucida)" in Great Basin Naturalist 1996"Mexican Spotted Owl Habitat Characteristics in Zion National Park" in Journal of Raptor Research 1997"California spotted owl habitat selection in the central Sierra Nevada" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1997"Notes on the Nuptial Display of the Spotted Wood-quail (odontophorus Guttatus)" in Ornitologia Neotropical 1998"The Barred Owl (Strix Varia) Invasion in California" in The Auk 1998"Characteristics of Spotted Owl Habitat in Landscapes Disturbed by Timber Harvest in Northwestern California" in Journal of Raptor Research 1999"Diet composition and reproductive success of Mexican Spotted Owls" in Journal of Raptor Research 1999"Mountain Quail" in Birds of North America 1999"A protocol for conflict resolution in analyzing empirical data related to natural resource controversies" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 1999"Habitat composition and configuration around Mexican spotted owl nest and roost sites in the Tularosa Mountains, New Mexico" in Journal of Wildlife Management 1999"Demography of two Mexican spotted owl populations" in Conservation Biology 1999"Phylogeography of spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) populations based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: gene flow, genetic structure, and a novel biogeographic pattern" in Evolution 1999"The relationship between spotted owl diet and reproductive success in the San Bernardino Mountains, California" in Wilson Bulletin 1999"Nest sites and nesting habitat of the northern spotted owl in northwestern California" in Condor 2000"Climate, Habitat Quality, and Fitness in Northern Spotted Owl Populations in Northwestern California" in Ecological Monographs 2000"A classification of the grouse (Aves: Tetraoninae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences" in Wildlife Biology 2001"Spotted owl demography in the central Sierra Nevada" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2001"Natal Dispersal of the spotted owl in southern California: Dispersal profile of an insular population" in Condor 2002"Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix Occidentalis) Population Dynamics: Influence of Climatic Variation on Survival and Reproduction" in The Auk 2002"Spotted owls, forest fragmentation, and forest heterogeneity" in Studies in Avian Biology 2002"Short-Term Effects of Wildfires on Spotted Owl Survival, Site Fidelity, Mate Fidelity, and Reproductive Success" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2002"Spatial habitat characteristics of an insular spotted owl (Strix occidentalis) population in southern California" in Ecology and Conservation of Owls 2002"Habitat associations of Mexican Spotted Owl nest and roost sites in central Arizona" in Wilson Bulletin 2003"Greater sage-grouse Centrocercus urophasianus nesting success and habitat use in northeastern California" in Wildlife Biology 2003"Empirical support for a despotic distribution in a California spotted owl population" in Behavioral Ecology 2003"Population dynamics of the California spotted owl: A meta-analysis" in Technical Report 2003"Rigorous science: suggestions on how to raise the bar" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2003"Forest owls detected in the central Sierra Nevada" in Western Birds 2004"Temporal Variation in the Vital Rates of an Insular Population of Spotted Owls (Strix Occidentalis Occidentalis): Contrasting Effects of Weather" in The Auk 2004"Population Dynamics of the California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis): A Meta-Analysis" in Ornithological Monographs 2004"Phylogeographic structure, gene flow and species status in blue grouse (Dendragapus obscurus)" in Molecular Ecology 2004"Modeling nesting habitat selection of California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) in the central Sierra Nevada using standard forest inventory metrics" in Forest Science 2004"Scientific evaluation of the status of the Northern Spotted Owl" in Sustainable Ecosystems Institute Technical Report 2004"Mexican spotted owl nest and roost site habitat in northern Arizona" in Journal of Wildlife Management 2004"Factors related to fecal estrogens and fecal testosterone in California Spotted Owls" in Condor 2005"Genetic structure, introgression, and a narrow hybrid zone between northern and California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis)" in Molecular Ecology 2005"The effect of broadcasting great horned owl vocalizations on spotted owl vocal responsiveness" in Journal of Raptor Research 2006"Genetic Structure of Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix Occidentalis Lucida) Populations in a Fragmented Landscape" in The Auk 2006"Research and management options to address interspecific relationships between barred owls (Strix varia) and spotted owls (S. occidentalis occidentalis and S. o. caurina)" in Technical Report 2007"Sources of variability in spotted owl population growth rate: testing predictions using long-term mark-recapture data" in Oecologia 2007"The Invasion of Barred Owls and its Potential Effect on the Spotted Owl: a Conservation Conundrum" in Biological Invasions 2007"Integrating Grouse Habitat and Forestry: An Example Using The Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus in Minnesota" in Wildlife Biology 2007"A synopsis of suggested approaches to address potential competitive interactions between Barred Owls (Strix varia) and Spotted Owls (S. occidentalis)" in Biological Invations 2007"Occupancy estimation and modeling with multiple states and state uncertainty" in Ecology 2009"Modeling species occurrence dynamics with multiple states and imperfect detection" in Ecology 2010"Status and Trends in Demography of Northern Spotted Owls, 1985–2003" in Willdife Monographs 2012"Potential Influences of Climate and Nest Structure on Spotted Owl Reproductive Success: A Biophysical Approach" in PLoS ONE 2013"Life-History Tradeoffs in Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis): Implications for Assessment of Territory Quality" in The Auk 2013"Understanding and managing conservation conflicts" in Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2013"A flexible Bayesian hierarchical approach for analyzing spatial and temporal variation in the fecal corticosterone levels in birds when there is imperfect knowledge of individual identity" in General and Comparative Endocrinology 2014"Removing barred owls from local areas: Techniques and feasibility" in Wildlife Society Bulletin 2014"Effects of forest management on California Spotted Owls: implications for reducing wildfire risk in fire‐prone forests" in Ecological Applications 2015"Life-history tradeoffs and reproductive cycles in Spotted Owls" in The Auk 2017"Phylogeogeography of spotted owl (Strix Occidentalis) populations based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: gene flow, genetic structure, and a novel biogeographic pattern" in Evolution 2017"Don't forget to look down - collaborative approaches to predator conservation" in Biological Reviews 2019"Reinforcing the concept of agenda‐driven science: a response to Rohlf" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2019"Acoustic monitoring reveals a diverse forest owl community, illustrating its potential for basic and applied ecology" in Ecology 2019"The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2020"Spotted owls and forest fire: Comment" in Ecosphere 2021"Using the ecological significance of animal vocalizations to improve inference in acoustic monitoring programs" in Conservation Biology 2022"Linking robust spatiotemporal datasets to assess and monitor habitat attributes of a threatened species" in PLOS ONE 2023"Older forests function as energetic and demographic refugia for a climate-sensitive species" in Oecologia