First Name: Damon H.Last Name: GoodmanPublications: YearPublication 2006"PCR-RFLP markers detect 29 mitochondrial haplotypes in Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus)" in Molecular Ecology Notes 2006"Evidence for high levels of gene flow among populations of a widely distributed anadromous lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus (Petromyzontidae)" in Theses and Projects 2007"Mitochondrial DNA Variation in the Ozark Highland Members of the Banded Sculpin Cottus carolinae Complex" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2008"Mitochondrial DNA evidence for high levels of gene flow among populations of a widely distributed anadromous lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus (Petromyzontidae)" in Journal of Fish Biology 2012"Genetic diversity, endemism and phylogeny of lampreys within the genus Lampetra sensu stricto (Petromyzontiformes: Petromyzontidae) in western North America" in Journal of Fish Biology 2014"A mapping technique to evaluate age-0 salmon habitat response from restoration" in Restoration Ecology 2015"Habitat Suitability Criteria via Parametric Distributions: Estimation, Model Selection and Uncertainty" in River Research and Applications 2015"The punctuated seaward migration of Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus): environmental cues and implications for streamflow management" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2016"Improving Hydrodynamic Modelling: an Analytical Framework for Assessment of Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models" in River Research and Applications 2016"Evolution of rough sculpin (Cottus asperrimus) genetic divergence and late Quaternary displacement on the Hat Creek fault, California, USA" in Conservation Genetics 2017"Riverscape genetics identifies speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) cryptic diversity in the Klamath-Trinity Basin" in Conservation Genetics 2018"Increasing the availability and spatial variation of spawning habitats through ascending baseflows" in River Research and Applications 2021"Reducing River Flows to Control a Parasitic Salmonid Disease in the Klamath River: Simulations Question the Efficacy of Desiccation as a Management Tool" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management