Year | Publication |
1966 | "Oxygen isotope fractionation in igneous rocks" in Earth and Planetary Science Letters |
1971 | "Oxygen isotope ratios in eclogites from kimberlites" in Science |
1972 | "Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry" in The Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences |
1974 | "Oxygen isotope fractionation between rutile and water" in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology |
1974 | "The Stable Isotopes of Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen in the Marine Environment" in The Sea |
1987 | "The petrographic distinction between basalt and andesite based upon the arrested fractionation of plagioclase phenocrysts" in Journal of Geological Education |
1990 | "Deciphering the origin of plume-textured geodes" in Journal of Geological Education |
1990 | "A graphic guide to the optical properties of minerals" in Journal of Geological Education |
1991 | "The strange optical properties of ulexite" in Journal of Geological Education |
1992 | "Use of a spreadsheet in teaching the CIPW Norm" in Journal of Geological Education |
1992 | "Depictions of icosahedral symmetry" in Journal of Geological Education |
1992 | "Computer assisted identification of crystal symmetry" in Journal of Geological Education |
1993 | "Simulations of burrowing strategies and construction of paleodictyon" in Journal of Geological Education |
1994 | "Graphical depiction of silicate formulae" in Journal of Geological Education |
1997 | "Reflections on X-Ray Diffraction" in Journal of Geoscience Education |