First Name: EileenLast Name: CashmanPublications: YearPublication 1989"Usable hydro capacity and electric utility production simulation and reliability calculations" in Power Industry Computer Application Conference Papers 1990"Usable Hydro Capacity and Electric Utility Production Simulation and Reliability Calculations" in IEEE Transactions 1991"Engineering foundations for the determination of security costs" in IEEE Transactions 1993"Technical Foundations for Pricing Systems Security" in Service Opportunities for Electric Utilities: Creating Differentiated Products 1998"Influence of Operational Risk Assessment on Bidding Strategies in Power Markets" in Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 1999"Operational risks, bidding strategies and information policies in restructured power markets" in Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Proceedings 1999"Operational risks, bidding strategies and information policies in restructured power markets" in Decision Support Systems 2001"Go with the flow: a design project to build community" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2002"TMDLs and the Electric Power Industry: The Challenge of Atmospheric Deposition" in Proceedings of TMDL Conference 2002"Evaluation of Bed Load Transport Formulas Using Flume Experiments" in AGU Fall Meeting 2002"Interactions Between Sediment Storage and Bed Material Transport: A Field and Flume Study" in Channels 2003"The Challenge of Atmospheric Deposition TMDLs" in Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 2003"One-Dimensional Sediment Transport and Turbulence" in AGU Proceedings 2003"Designing a new learning environment in introductory engineering courses at Humboldt State University" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2003"JiTT: Active learning with Web technology" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2004"JiTT: Introduction to Air Resources" in Annual Conference 2004"Teaming In Freshman Design Using A Studio Teaching Approach And Blackboard®" in Annual Conference 2004"Student attitudes surveyed in an introductory environmental resources engineering course" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2004"Feminist frontiers" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2005"High spatial resolution measurements of the role of turbulence in the entrainment of bedload over water-worked gravel-beds" in Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference 2005"Adding energy and power to environmental engineering curriculum with just-in-time teaching" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2005"Feminism and engineering" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2005"Incorporating feminist pedagogy into the engineering learning experience" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2005"JiTT: Using online exercises to enhance classroom learning" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2005"Analysis of Bedload Motion and Transport in a Flume" in American Geophysical Union Conference 2005"The Science of Design in Flume Experiments: A Research Experience for Undergraduates at Humboldt State University" in AGU Fall Meeting 2006"The Science of Design: A Multidisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates at Humboldt State University" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2006"Modelling the impacts of climate variability on sediment transport" in Proceedings of Sediment Dynamics and the Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems 2006"Flume Experiments to Explore Bedload Transport in Sand and Gravel Mixtures" in AGU Conference 2006"Classroom Border Crossings: Incorporating Feminist and Liberative Pedagogies in Your CSET Classroom" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2006"The Science of Design: A Multidisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates at Humboldt State University" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2006"Workshop Classroom Border Crossings: Incorporating Feminist and Liberative Pedagogies in your CSET Classroom" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2007"Ways to learn and teach creativity and design in computing science" in Proceedings of SoD '07 2007"Understanding the relationships among flow variability, sediment character and aquatic ecosystem quality: a physical modelling approach" in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics 2007"Sediment Transport through Road Culverts Retrofit for Fish Passage" in Proceedings of the American Geophysical Union 2008"A model to integrate the science of design into undergraduate computing education: conference workshop" in Journal of Computing in Colleges 2010"National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell education program Part I: Curriculum" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2010"National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Education program Part II: Laboratory practicum" in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings 2010"Work in progress — Hydrogen Energy in Engineering Education (H2E3)" in 2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) 2010"Work in progress — Retention and FIGS: Institutional versus engineering major efficacy" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2011"Physical Modeling of Sediment Transport Through In-Channel Fish Resting Pools" in American Fisheries Society Conference 2012"Race and the idea of privilege in the engineering classroom" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2014"Proven Practices that can Reduce Stereotype Threat in Engineering Education: A Literature Review" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2016"Analysis of Vortex Pool-and-Chute Fishway" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research 2017"Connecting environmental engineers to the Klamath river via a placed based learning community" in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference 2018"Equality vs. Equity: Using Assets and Cultivating Students" in Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings 2019"Place-Based Learning Communities on a Rural Campus: Turning Challenges into Assets" in Learning Communities: Research & Practice 2021"Equity of Voice in the Classroom" in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) 2023"Transformative Sea-level Rise Research and Planning: Establishing a University, Tribal, and Community Partnership for a Resilient California North Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 2023"First year STEM curriculum co-created with Indigenous scientists improves intellectual growth, psychosocial factors associated with retention, and academic achievement of students from racially minoritized groups historically underrepresented in STEM" in Research Square 2024"Integrating Indigenous Science, Culture, and Social Justice Concerns into First-Year STEM Curriculum: Improving Intellectual Growth, Psychosocial Factors Associated with Retention, and Academic Achievement of Students from Racially Minoritized Groups Historically Underrepresented in STEM" in Science Education and Civic Engagement