First Name: Rosealea M.Last Name: BondPublications: YearPublication 2012"Using Distributed Temperature Sensing to Locate and Quantify Thermal Refugia: Insights Into Radiative & Hydrologic Processes" in AGU Fall Meeting 2013"Modeling Climate Change and Thermal Restoration Strategies in a Northern California Stream Using HEAT SOURCE and Distributed Temperature Sensing Fiber-optics" in AGU Fall Meeting 2013"Using distributed temperature sensing fiber-optics and heat source modeling to characterize a northern California stream’s thermal regime" in Theses and Projects 2015"Sensitivity of summer stream temperatures to climate variability and riparian reforestation strategies" in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 2017"Early Geomorphic and Fish-Habitat Response to a Unique Large-Dam Removal and Subsequent Major Floods: Carmel River, California" in Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 2018"River response to large-dam removal in a Mediterranean hydroclimatic setting: Carmel River, California, USA" in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2019"Occurrence, fate, and confounding influence of ghost passive integrated transponder tags in an intensively monitored watershed" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2019"Physical Controls on Salmon Redd Site Selection in Restored Reaches of a Regulated, Gravel-Bed River" in Water Resources Research 2022"Capacity of Two Sierra Nevada Rivers for Reintroduction of Anadromous Salmonids: Insights from a High-Resolution View" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 2022"Spatiotemporal Variability in Environmental Conditions Influences the Performance and Behavior of Juvenile Steelhead in a Coastal California Lagoon" in Estuaries and Coasts 2023"Six years of fluvial response to a large dam removal on the Carmel River, California, USA" in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2024"Genetic divergence and one‐way gene flow influence contemporary evolution and ecology of a partially migratory fish" in Evolutionary Applications