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Williamson, Kathleen Janice |
2006 |
"Relationships between eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitat characteristics and juvenile Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) and other invertebrates in southern Humboldt Bay, California, USA" in Theses and Projects |
Willis, Margaret Anne |
2021 |
"The influence of biological sex, athletic identity and pressure on collegiate athlete's attitudes and behaviors toward playing through pain and injury" in Theses and Projects |
Willis, Robert |
1979 |
"A planning model for the management of groundwater quality" in Water Resources Research |
Willis, Robert |
1984 |
"A Unified Approach to Regional Groundwater Management" in Groundwater Hydraulics |
Willis, Robert |
1984 |
"An Explicit Finite Difference Model for Unconfined Aquifers" in Groundwater |
Willis, Robert |
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"Optimization Model for Ground‐Water Planning" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
Willis, Robert |
1984 |
"Monte Carlo Optimization for Reservoir Operation" in Water Resources Research |
Willis, Robert |
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"Optimal Control of Nonlinear Groundwater Hydraulics: Theoretical Development and Numerical Experiments" in Water Resources Research |
Willis, Robert |
1987 |
"Water Resources Systems Planning: Some Case Studies for India" in Eos |
Willis, Robert |
1988 |
"Planning Model for Optimal Control of Saltwater Intrusion" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
Willis, Robert |
1989 |
"Water Resources Management in North China Plain" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
Willis, Robert |
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"Stochastic analysis of estuarine hydraulics. I: One dimensional steady flow" in Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics |
Willis, Robert |
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"Conjunctive-Use Planning in Mad River Basin, California" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
Willis, Robert |
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"Quasi-Three-Dimensional Optimization Model of Jakarta Basin" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
Willis, Robert |
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"Disaggregation Modeling Process for Climatic Time Series" in Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management |
Willis, Robert |
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"A Multi-Objective, Linked-Simulation-Optimization of Henry’s Saltwater Intrusion Problem using HST3D and Box’s Method" in American Journal of Undergraduate Research |
Willis, Wendy Cristina |
2015 |
"The Political Ecology of Shade Coffee: Perspectives from Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers" in Theses and Projects |
Willis, Wendy Cristina |
2020 |
“Political Ecology Of Shade Coffee: Perspectives From Jamaican Blue Mountain Farmers” in Conservation and Society |
Willits, Margaret Lee |
1995 |
"The regeneration of Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia) in Douglas-Fir forests in northwestern California" in Theses and Projects |
Willoughby, Lisa M. |
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Wills, Payton |
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"Fire history and stand development of Douglas-fir/hardwood forests in northern California" in Theses and Projects |
Wills, Robin D. |
1991 |
"Fire history and stand development of Douglas-fir/hardwood forests in northern California" in Theses and Projects |