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Displaying 23726 - 23750 of 25403
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Bergeson, Alysha Brianna 2014

"Advertised identity: a postmodern feminist analysis of food advertisements from women’s magazines during the 1950s, 1960s, and 2000s" in Theses and Projects

Berger, Brooke L. 2016

"The impacts of California mule deer fawn health on body condition, survival and hair loss syndrome prevalence" in Theses and Projects

Berger, Brooke L. 2017

"What should go in a wildlife professional's geospatial toolbox?" in Wildlife Society Bulletin

Bergenske, Lanore 2008

"Lesson study : implications of collaboration between education specialists and general education teachers" in Theses and Projects

Bergemann, Sarah E. 1998

"The ecology of the Pacific Golden Chanterelle (Cantharellus formosus)" in Theses and Dissertations

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2000

"The site specific variables that correlate with the distribution of the Pacific Golden Chanterelle, Cantharellus formosus" in Forest Ecology and Management

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2002

"Size, distribution, and persistence of genets in local populations of the late-stage ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete, Russula brevipes" in New Phytologist

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2006

"No evidence of population structure across three isolated subpopulations of Russula brevipes in an oak/pine woodland" in New Phytologist

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2007

"Competitive interactions among three ectomycorrhizal fungi and their relation to host plant performance" in Journal of Ecology

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2007

"A strong species–area relationship for eukaryotic soil microbes: island size matters for ectomycorrhizal fungi" in Ecology Letters

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2007

"Host islands within the California Northern Channel Islands create fine-scale genetic structure in two sympatric species of the symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus Rhizopogon" in Molecular Ecology

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2007

"Determining the outcome of field-based competition between two Rhizopogon species using real-time PCR" in Molecular Ecology

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2009

"Genetic population structure and distribution of a fungal polypore, Datronia caperata (Polyporaceae), in mangrove forests of Central America" in Journal of Biogeography

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2010

"Multilocus phylogenetic and coalescent analyses identify two cryptic species in the Italian bianchetto truffle, Tuber borchii Vittad." in Conservation Genetics

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2010

"Contrasting Patterns of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Armillaria mellea sensu stricto in the Eastern and Western United States" in Phytopathology

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2011

"Pouzarella (Agaricales, Entolomataceae) species from New South Wales (Barrington Tops National Park) and northeastern Queensland, Australia" in Mycotaxon

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2011

"Saxicolous species of Claudopus (Agaricales, Entolomataceae) from Australia" in Mycotaxon

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2012

"Evidence of natural hybridization among homothallic members of the basidiomycete Armillaria mellea sensu stricto" in Fungal Biology

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2013

"Five Leptonia species from New South Wales and Queensland, Australia" in Mycotaxon

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2013

"Evolutionary consequences of putative intra-and interspecific hybridization in agaric fungi" in Mycologia

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2013

"Three new Inocephalus species with cuboid basidiospores from New South Wales and Queensland, Australia" in Mycotaxon

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2013

"Implications of Tanoak Decline in Forests Impacted By Phytophthora ramorum: Girdling Decreases the Soil Hyphal Abundance of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Associated With Notholithocarpus densiflorus" in Madroño

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2014

"Entocybe haastii from Watagans National Park, New South Wales, Australia" in Mycotaxon

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2014

"Toward a stable classification of genera within the Entolomataceae: a phylogenetic re-evaluation of the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade" in Mycologia

Bergemann, Sarah E. 2015

"Pouzarella alissae, a new species from northwestern California, United States" in Mycotaxon