Aberson, Christopher L. |
2003 |
"Support for Race-Based Affirmative Action: Self-interest and Procedural Justice" in Journal of Applied Social Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2003 |
"Reactions to gay men: Contact and overcorrection in an employee selection simulation" in Current Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2003 |
"Psychology Poster Presentations: Analysis of Characteristics and Recommendations for Improvement" in North American Journal of Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2003 |
"Beliefs About Affirmative Action and Diversity and Their Relationship to Support for Hiring Policies" in Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2003 |
"Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for Teaching Hypothesis Testing Concepts" in Teaching of Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2004 |
"An Interactive Text for Very Basic Statistics Courses" in PsycCRITIQUES |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2004 |
"Implicit Bias and Contact: The Role of Interethnic Friendships" in The Journal of Social Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2004 |
"Review of Applied Social Psychology Minus the Application" in Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2004 |
"The Aversive Racism Paradigm and Responses Favoring African Americans: Meta-Analytic Evidence of Two Types of Favoritism" in Social Justice Research |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2005 |
"Introducing Essential Multivariate Concepts" in PsycCRITIQUES |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2005 |
"Case Studies: A Valuable Teaching Resource" in PsycCRITIQUES |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2006 |
"Nature and Severity of College Students' Psychological Concerns: A Comparison of Clinical and Nonclinical National Samples" in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2006 |
"Refining Use of APA Style: Eliminating Common Errors" in Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2007 |
"Diversity, Merit, Fairness, and Discrimination Beliefs as Predictors of Support for Affirmative-Action Policy Actions" in Journal of Applied Social Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2007 |
"Diversity Experiences Predict Changes in Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action" in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2007 |
"Contact, Perspective Taking, and Anxiety as Predictors of Stereotype Endorsement, Explicit Attitudes, and Implicit Attitudes" in Group Processes & Intergroup Relations |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2007 |
"Does Substance Use Affect Reliabilities of the Implicit Association Test?" in The Journal of Social Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2007 |
"The Damage Done: A Study of Injection Drug Use, Injection Related Abscesses and Needle Exchange Regulation" in Substance Use & Misuse |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2008 |
"Contact and Anxiety as Predictors of Bias Toward the Homeless" in Journal of Applied Social Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2008 |
"Friendships Influence Hispanic Students' Implicit Attitudes Toward White Non-Hispanics Relative to African Americans" in Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2008 |
"An integrated threat model of explicit and implicit attitudes" in European Journal of Social Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2009 |
"Evaluation of an Interactive Tutorial for Teaching the Central Limit Theorem" in Teaching of Psychology |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2010 |
Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2010 |
"Self-Esteem" in Encyclopedia of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations |
Aberson, Christopher L. |
2010 |
"Diversity Experiences and Intergroup Attitudes" in The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity |