Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2008 |
"Essays in international finance and development: Institutions, crises, and reform" in Theses and Dissertations |
Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2014 |
"Foreign Bank Behavior during Financial Crises" in IDEAS Working Paper Series from RePEc |
Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2015 |
"Global transmission channels for international bank lending in the 2007–09 financial crisis" in Journal of International Money and Finance |
Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2016 |
"Institutional Quality Mediates the Effect of Human Capital on Economic Performance" in Review of Development Economics |
Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2017 |
"Foreign Bank Behavior during Financial Crises" in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking |
Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2017 |
"The real story behind the C&I lending slowdown" in The American Banker |
Adams-Kane, Jonathon |
2018 |
"Regulators’ worries about FHLB risk are outsize" in The American Banker |
Adamus, Andrew P. |
2013 |
"Evaluating “new horizons:” a mixed-method inquiry" in Theses and Projects |
Adel, Daniel |
2020 |
“Living Rivers, Cosmopolitan Activism, and Environmental Justice in the Bengal Delta” in Theses and Projects |
Adelman, Alisha |
2013 |
"Gender dynamics and social relations of production in Humboldt’s marijuana industry" in Theses and Projects |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2020 |
"Pond-In-Pond: an alternative system for wastewater treatment for reuse" in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2020 |
"Water sustainability using pond-in-pond wastewater treatment system: Case studies" in Journal of Water Process Engineering |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"2-D Modeling to Understand the Design Configuration and Flow Dynamics of Pond-in-Pond (Pip) Wastewater Treatment System for Reuse" in Process Safety and Environmental Protection |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Water reuse and sustainability with a single pond-in-pond system" in American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Environmental sustainability in cement industry: An integrated approach for green and economical cement production" in Resources, Environment and Sustainability |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Mechanical and durability properties of portland limestone cement (PLC) incorporated with nano calcium carbonate (CaCO3)" in Materials |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Nano Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) as a Reliable, Durable, and Environment-Friendly Alternative to Diminishing Fly Ash" in Materials |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2021 |
"Water reuse and sustainability with a single pond-in-pond system" in 2021 ASABE Annual International Virtual Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2022 |
"Minimizing Errors in the Prediction of Water Levels Using Kriging Technique in Residuals of the Groundwater Model" in Water Journal |
Adhikari, Kushal |
2022 |
"Alternative Wastewater Pond Design for Land Applying the Effluent" in 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2018 |
"Financialization of commodity markets" in Commodities: Markets, Performance, and Strategies |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2020 |
“Comovement In The Commodity Futures Markets: An Analysis Of The Energy, Grains and Livestock Sectors" in Journal of Commodity Markets
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2020 |
"Robust optimization-based commodity portfolio performance" in International Journal of Financial Studies |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2020 |
"Foundations of Computational Finance" in The Mathematica Journal |
Adhikari, Ramesh |
2021 |
"Selected Financial Applications" in The Mathematica Journal |