Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1990 |
"Nonconcordance of drift and benthic activity in Baetis" in Limnology and Oceanography |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1992 |
"Interactions between Native Brook Trout and Hatchery Brown Trout: Effects on Habitat Use, Feeding, and Growth" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1997 |
"Microhabitat Selection by Native Brook Trout and Introduced Rainbow Trout in a Small Pennsylvania Stream" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1998 |
"A case for inside out (pathogenic) population control in a stream insect" in SIL Proceedings, 1922-2010 |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1998 |
"Are native brook charr and introduced rainbow trout differentially adapted to upstream and downstream reaches?" in Ecology of Freshwater Fish |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1998 |
"Proactive responses to human impacts that balance development and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) conservation: an integrative model" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1998 |
"Effect of Temperature and Macrohabitat on Interspecific Aggression, Foraging Success, and Growth of Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout Pairs in Laboratory Streams" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1999 |
"Evaluation of the restoration of the Kissimmee River in South Florida" in The natural history of the lower Tennessee and Cumberland River valleys |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
1999 |
"Establishing baseline seagrass parameters in a small estuarine bay" in Seagrasses: Monitoring Ecology, Physiology, and Management |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2000 |
"Profitable stream positions differ for brook trout and cutthroat trout" in Wild Trout VII. Management in the New Millenium: are we ready? |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2001 |
"Review of Wildstream: a natural history of the free flowing river" in Fisheries |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2002 |
"Channel-floodplain coupling in the Kissimmee River, Florida (USA): invertebrate movement and fish feeding" in Vereinigung fur theoretische und angewandte Limnologie |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2002 |
"The contribution of suspended organic sediments to turbidity and sediment flux" in Proceedings, 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2004 |
"Periphyton response to increased light and salmon carcass introduction in northern California streams" in Journal of the North American Benthological Society |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2005 |
"Effects of riparian canopy opening and salmon carcass addition on the abundance and growth of resident salmonids" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2005 |
"Linking Forests and Fish: The Relationship Between Productivities of Salmonids and Forest Stands in Northern California" in AGU Spring Meeting |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2005 |
"The inadequacy of the fish-bearing criterion for stream management" in Aquatic Sciences |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2007 |
"Relationship Between Productivities of Salmonids and Forest Stands in Northern California Watersheds" in Western Journal of Applied Forestry |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2008 |
"Rivers and streams: Ecosystem dynamics and integrating paradigms" in Encyclopedia of Ecology |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2008 |
"Rivers and Streams: Physical Setting and Adapted Biota" in Encyclopedia of Ecology |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2010 |
"Lab Rearing of a Freshwater Polychaete (Manayunkia speciosa, Sabellidae) Host for Salmon Pathogens" in Northwest Science |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2010 |
"Carcass Addition Does Not Enhance Juvenile Salmonid Biomass, Growth, or Retention in Six Northwestern California Streams" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2011 |
"Selection of Spawning Sites by Coho Salmon in a Northern California Stream" in North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2012 |
"Invertebrate assemblages in the lower Klamath River, with reference to Manayunkia speciosa" in California Fish and Game |
Wilzbach, Margaret A. |
2012 |
"Movement of Resident Rainbow Trout Transplanted below a Barrier to Anadromy" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |