Waite, Ian R. |
2018 |
"Can data from disparate long-term fish monitoring programs be used to increase our understanding of regional and continental trends in large river assemblages?" in PLoS ONE |
Waite, Ian R. |
2018 |
"Understanding the influence of nutrients on stream ecosystems in agricultural landscapes" in USGS Report |
Waite, Ian R. |
2018 |
"Nutrient enrichment in wadeable urban streams in the piedmont ecoregion of the southeastern United States" in Heliyon |
Waite, Ian R. |
2019 |
"Mixed-chemical exposure and predicted effects potential in wadeable southeastern USA streams" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2019 |
"Effects of urban multi-stressors on three stream biotic assemblages" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2019 |
"Relationships between diatom metrics based on species nutrient traits and agricultural land use" in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2019 |
"Projected urban growth in the Southeastern USA puts small streams at risk" in PLoS ONE |
Waite, Ian R. |
2020 |
"Assessment of multi-stressors on compositional turnover of diatom, invertebrate and fish assemblages along an urban gradient in Pacific Northwest streams (USA)" in Ecological Indicators |
Waite, Ian R. |
2020 |
"Legacy and current‐use contaminants in sediments alter macroinvertebrate communities in southeastern US Streams" in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry |
Waite, Ian R. |
2020 |
"Understanding the relationship between stream metabolism and biological assemblages" in Freshwater Science |
Waite, Ian R. |
2021 |
"Multi-region assessment of chemical mixture exposures and predicted cumulative effects in USA wadeable urban/agriculture-gradient streams" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2021 |
"Multiple in-stream stressors degrade biological assemblages in five U.S. regions" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2021 |
"Capacity assessment for Earth Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction (EarthMAP) and future integrated monitoring and predictive science at the U.S. Geological Survey" in USGS Report |
Waite, Ian R. |
2022 |
"Identifying monitoring information needs that support the management of fish in large rivers" in Environmental Management |
Waite, Ian R. |
2022 |
"Framework for the development of the Columbia River mainstem fish tissue and water quality monitoring program - Bonneville Dam to Canadian border" in USGS Report |
Waite, Ian R. |
2023 |
"Field assessment of Naled and its primary degradation product (dichlorvos) in aquatic ecosystems following aerial ultra-low volume application for mosquito control" in Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology |
Waite, Ian R. |
2024 |
"Target and suspect per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in fish from an AFFF-impacted waterway" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2024 |
"Multiple lines of evidence point to pesticides as stressors affecting invertebrate communities in small streams in five United States regions" in Science of the Total Environment |
Waite, Ian R. |
2024 |
"The influence of stream nutrients and habitat on three biological assemblages" in Hydrobiologia |
Wakeman, Donovan |
2024 |
"Northern California and Southern Oregon Offshore Wind Transmission Study, Volume 1 (Revised)" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Wakeman, William |
2004 |
"Dr. John Russell interviewed by William Wakeman and Kate Cronin" |
Waldo, Stephanie L. |
2002 |
"Song discrimination of neighbors and strangers by male territorial northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina)" in Theses and Projects |
Waldvogel, J. B. |
1977 |
"Age, maturity and distribution of northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax, in Humboldt Bay, California" in Theses and Projects |
Walker, Dawn |
2014 |
"Feeding Our Families: Reconnecting with Food, the Earth, and Each Other" in Theses and Projects |
Walker, Laura |
2014 |
"Assisting success: understanding and ameliorating the variety of cognitive, academic, social and emotional challenges faced by students of varying ages and backgrounds utilizing a problem-solving, multi-disciplinary team approach across ten domains of practice" in Theses and Projects |