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Displaying 23626 - 23650 of 25403
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2015

"Mobile Learning and Engagement: Designing Effective Mobile Lessons" in Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2017

"Updates from the Academic Technology Team" in Check Out the Library

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2019

"Starting a Center for Teaching and Learning" in POD Speaks

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2020

Humanizing Online Teaching To Equitize Higher Education” in Current Issues in Education

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2020

"Equitable and Inclusive Practices Designed to Reduce Equity Gaps in Undergraduate Chemistry Courses" in Journal of Chemical Education

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2022

"Using Professional Development to Increase Faculty Perceptions of Responsibility for Implementing Highly Equitable Classroom Practices" in Journal of Faculty Development

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2022

"In Search of Belonging Online: Achieving Equity through Transformative Professional Development" in Journal of Educational Research & Practice

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2022

"Do students perceive faculty as responsible for equitable learning environments? Results from a mixed-methods study" in Higher Education Research & Development

Vincent-Layton, Kimberly 2022

"Culturally responsive teaching practices in higher education online environment" in Dissertations

Virgen, Catherin 2016

"Weighting for Gains: Lifting is only half the battle" in Osprey

Virgil, Alyssa 2019

"Smoky skies from the Mendocino Complex Fires" in The World "The way we saw it"

Virgil, Alyssa 2019

"Identification, explanation and quantification of the hydrologically important components of an Andean Watershed" in AGU Fall Meeting

Virgil, Alyssa 2020

Evaluation of 1-D and 2-D Hydraulic Models for Designing and Assessing Fullspan Stream Crossings” in Theses and Projects

Virnoche, Mary E. 1991

"Colorado Midwives and Home-Birth Mothers : Philosophy, Practice and Politics" in Theses and Projects

Virnoche, Mary E. 1995

"What's wrong is right: A response to the state of the discipline" in Sociological Forum

Virnoche, Mary E. 1998

"The Seamless Web and Communications Equity: The Shaping of a Community Network" in Science Technology & Human Values

Virnoche, Mary E. 1998

"Review of Information Technologies and Social Orders" in The Information Society

Virnoche, Mary E. 2001

"The Stranger Transformed: conceptualizing on and offline stranger disclosure" in Social Thought and Research

Virnoche, Mary E. 2001

"Pink collars on the Internet: Roadblocks to the information superhighway" in Women's Studies Quarterly

Virnoche, Mary E. 2002

"Review of The Internet Edge: Social, Technical, and Legal Challenges for a Networked World" in Social Science Computer Review

Virnoche, Mary E. 2007

"Expanding Girls’ Horizons In Math And Science: A Longitudinal Evaluation Of Eyh Conference Outcomes" in Annual Conference & Exposition

Virnoche, Mary E. 2007

"''Only Connect'—E. M. Forster in an Age of Electronic Communication: Computer‐Mediated Association and Community Networks" in Sociological Inquiry

Virnoche, Mary E. 2007

"Review of Cyberspaces of Their Own: Female Fandoms Online" in The Information Society

Virnoche, Mary E. 2008

"Expanding girls' horizons: Strengthening persistence in the early math and science education pipeline" in Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

Virnoche, Mary E. 2010

"Improving Early Interest And Confidence In Engineering: Creating Partnerships Between Universities, K 12 Teachers, Their Students, And Engineers" in Annual Conference & Exposition