Zenobia, Z. |
2022 |
"Advancing Knowledge on Night smelt/Spirinchus starksi populations in Humboldt & Del Norte counties" in ideaFest Poster |
Zepeda, Elizabeth |
2018 |
"Examining the role of the ADCY5 point mutation p.R418W on cellular cAMP levels and how cAMP affects neuronal differentiation of murine stem cells" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Zepeda, Elizabeth |
2018 |
"The effects of increased camp levels on neuronal differentiation in murine embryonic stem cells, and the creation of a CRISPR-induced c.1252c>t point mutation in the ADCY5 gene" in Theses and Projects |
Zeppegno, Marci Anne |
2008 |
"Education coach to support students with intellectual disabilities in a community college course" in Theses and Projects |
Zerbe, Noah |
2001 |
"Seeds of Hope, Seeds of Despair: Towards a Political Economy of the Seed Industry in Southern Africa" in Third World Quarterly |
Zerbe, Noah |
2002 |
"Contested ownership: TRIPs, CBD, and implications for Southern African biodiversity" in Perspectives on Global Development and Technology |
Zerbe, Noah |
2003 |
"International political economy and agricultural biotechnology: The case of Zimbabwe" in York University Theses and Dissertations |
Zerbe, Noah |
2004 |
"Feeding the famine? American food aid and the GMO debate in Southern Africa" in Food Policy |
Zerbe, Noah |
2005 |
"Biodiversity, ownership, and indigenous knowledge: Exploring legal frameworks for community, farmers, and intellectual property rights in Africa" in Ecological Economies |
Zerbe, Noah |
2005 |
Agricultural Biotechnology Reconsidered: Western Narratives and African Alternatives |
Zerbe, Noah |
2006 |
"Reviewed Works: Democracy Compromised: Chiefs and the Politics of the Land in South Africa by Lungisile Ntsebeza; Developmental Local Government: A Case Study of South Africa by Jaap DeVisser" in African Studies Review |
Zerbe, Noah |
2007 |
"Risking Regulation, Regulating Risk: Lessons from the Transatlantic Biotech Dispute" in Review of Policy Research |
Zerbe, Noah |
2007 |
"Contesting privatization: NGOs and farmers' rights in the african model law" in Global Environmental Politics |
Zerbe, Noah |
2008 |
"Sowing the Seeds of Progress: The Agricultural Biotechnology Debate in Africa" in History Compass |
Zerbe, Noah |
2009 |
"Setting the global dinner table: Exploring the limits of the marketization of food security" in The Global Food Crisis: Governance Challenges and Opportunities |
Zerbe, Noah |
2010 |
"Moving From Bread and Water to Milk and Honey: Framing the Emergent Alternative Food Systems" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Zerbe, Noah |
2011 |
"Reshaping Globalization From the Ground Up Community Resilience and Transformation in Durban, South Africa" in Video Recordings |
Zerbe, Noah |
2013 |
"Peter Oosterveer and David A. Sonnenfeld: Food, globalization and sustainability" in Agriculture and Human Values |
Zerbe, Noah |
2014 |
Chapter 3 "Exploring the limits of fair trade: The local food movement in the context of late capitalism" in Globalization and Food Sovereignty: Global and Local Change in the New Politics of Food |
Zerbe, Noah |
2014 |
"Jennifer Clapp: Food" in Agriculture and Human Values |
Zerbe, Noah |
2015 |
"Reviewed Work: Labor and the Locavore: The Making of a Comprehensive Food Ethic by Margaret Gray" in Labour / Le Travail |
Zerbe, Noah |
2015 |
"GRAB - Plant genetic resources in an age of global capitalism" in Canadian Food Studies |
Zerbe, Noah |
2018 |
Chapter 10 "Food as a Commodity" in Routledge Handbook of Food as a Commons |
Zerzan, Laura |
1987 |
The Mikatoo |
Zhang, Monk |
2019 |
"November 8, 2016" in Toyon |