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Displaying 23676 - 23700 of 25612
Author Yearsort descending Publications
Fontaine, Amy Clare 2023

"Combining acoustic localisation and high-resolution land cover classification to study predator vocalisation behaviour" in Wildlife Research

Academia, Michael H. 2023

"Food supplementation increases reproductive performance of ospreys in the lower Chesapeake Bay" in Frontiers in Marine Science

Ackerman-Barger, Kupiri W. 2023

"Call to Action: Academic Nursing's Role in Redesigning Health Care to Reduce the Human and Financial Cost of Health Inequities" in Creative Nursing

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Cultural Fire Behavior and Effects on Hazel Shrubs" in ideaFest Poster

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Fostering Socio-Ecological Resilience to Wildfire by Interconnecting Knowledge Systems at Cal Poly Humboldt" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Climate and air pollution impacts of generating biopower from forest management residues in California" in IOP Science

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments" in Forest Ecology and Management

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Extreme wildfire supersedes long-term fuel treatment influences on fuel and vegetation in chaparral ecosystems of northern California, USA" in Fire Ecology

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Multivariate roles of litter traits on moisture and flammability of temperate northeastern North American tree species" in Fire Ecology

Kane, Jeffrey M. 2023

"Conifer encroachment increases foliar moisture content in a northwestern California oak woodland" in International Journal of Wildland Fire

Kelly, Erin Clover 2023

"In flux: Social adaptability in two former timber towns transitioning to new economies" in Journal of Rural Studies

Kelly, Erin Clover 2023

"“The cost of doing business”: Private rights, public resources, and the resulting diversity of state-level forestry policies in the U.S." in Land Use Policy

Kelly, Erin Clover 2023

"Fostering Socio-Ecological Resilience to Wildfire by Interconnecting Knowledge Systems at Cal Poly Humboldt" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Kelly, Erin Clover 2023

"Northern spotted owl nesting habitat under high potential wildfire threats along the California Coastal Redwood Forest" in Science of the Total Environment

Kelsey, Harvey M. 2023

"The signature of accumulated permanent uplift, northern Cascadia subduction zone" in Quaternary Research

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2023

"Acclimation of interacting leaf surface traits affects foliar water uptake" in Tree Physiology

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2023

"Conifer water-use patterns across temporal and topographic gradients in the southern Sierra Nevada" in Tree Physiology

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2023

"Drought survival strategies differ between coastal and montane conifers in northern California" in Ecosphere

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2023

"Seasonal water source patterns in a northern Arizona pine forest" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2023

"Conifer encroachment increases foliar moisture content in a northwestern California oak woodland" in International Journal of Wildland Fire

Kerhoulas, Lucy P. 2023

"Editorial: Understanding forest ecosystems: the use of stable isotopes and physiological measurements" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

Till, Claire P. 2023

"Approaches to Assessing Nutrient Coupling in Open Ocean Datasets" in ideaFest Journal

Swartz, Ronnie 2023

"Reflections on Sam Oliner and the Altruistic Behavior Institute" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Sterner, Sara K. 2023

"Critical Realignment of Humboldt’s “Normal School”: Meeting the Changing Landscape of Teacher Education" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Sterner, Sara K. 2023

"Chasing lines of flight: Using post-intentional phenomenology for educational research" in Phenomenological Studies in Education