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Displaying 24626 - 24650 of 25478
Author Year Publicationssort ascending
Cashman, Eileen 2004

"Teaming In Freshman Design Using A Studio Teaching Approach And Blackboard®" in Annual Conference

Eschenbach, Elizabeth A. 2004

"Teaming In Freshman Design Using A Studio Teaching Approach And Blackboard®" in Annual Conference

Cashman, Eileen 2004

"JiTT: Introduction to Air Resources" in Annual Conference

Eschenbach, Elizabeth A. 2004

"JiTT: Introduction to Air Resources" in Annual Conference

Chamberlin, Charles E. 2004

"UNPEPP: Bringing renewable energy to redwood national park" in ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings

Colwell, Mark A. 2017

"Recent Snowy Plover population increase arises from high immigration rate in coastal northern California" in Wader Study

Virnoche, Mary E. 2001

"The Stranger Transformed: conceptualizing on and offline stranger disclosure" in Social Thought and Research

Steinberg, Steven J. 2007

"Mapping salt marsh vegetation using aerial hyperspectral imagery and linear unmixing in Humboldt Bay, California" in Wetlands

Crawford, Gregory B. 2007

"Mapping salt marsh vegetation using aerial hyperspectral imagery and linear unmixing in Humboldt Bay, California" in Wetlands

Judd, Chaeli 2007

"Mapping salt marsh vegetation using aerial hyperspectral imagery and linear unmixing in Humboldt Bay, California" in Wetlands

Higley, J. Mark 2015

"The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls" in Ornithological Applications

Franklin, Alan B. 2016

"The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls" in Ornithological Applications

Higley, J. Mark 2018

"Variation in inbreeding rates across the range of Northern Spotted Owls ( Strix occidentalis caurina ): Insights from over 30 years of monitoring data" in Ornithology

Franklin, Alan B. 2018

"Variation in inbreeding rates across the range of Northern Spotted Owls ( Strix occidentalis caurina ): Insights from over 30 years of monitoring data" in Ornithology

Franklin, Alan B. 2002

"Scientific Research and the Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis): Opportunities for Major Contributions to Avian Population Ecology" in Ornithology

Virnoche, Mary E. 2008

"Expanding girls' horizons: Strengthening persistence in the early math and science education pipeline" in Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering

Han, Sang-Kyun 2015

"A Study on the Assessment of Standard Wage System for Forestry Workers in Korea" in Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science

Franklin, Alan B. 2017

"Impact of body condition on influenza A virus infection dynamics in mallards following a secondary exposure" in PLoS ONE

Franklin, Alan B. 2014

"Ecological Routes of Avian Influenza Virus Transmission to a Common Mesopredator: An Experimental Evaluation of Alternatives" in PLoS ONE

Franklin, Alan B. 2014

"Shedding of a Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in a Common Synanthropic Mammal – The Cottontail Rabbit" in PLoS ONE

Franklin, Alan B. 2013

"Wild Ungulates as Disseminators of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli in Urban Areas" in PLoS ONE

Franklin, Alan B. 2014

"Extended Viral Shedding of a Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus by Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis)" in PLoS ONE

Franklin, Alan B. 2012

"Molecular Surveillance of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds across the United States: Inferences from the Hemagglutinin Gene" in PLoS ONE

Gutierrez, R. J. 2012

"Potential Influences of Climate and Nest Structure on Spotted Owl Reproductive Success: A Biophysical Approach" in PLoS ONE

Franklin, Alan B. 2012

"Potential Influences of Climate and Nest Structure on Spotted Owl Reproductive Success: A Biophysical Approach" in PLoS ONE