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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1439
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Zurita, Karen 2023

"I am Not Afraid" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Zurita, Karen 2023

"Muele las palabras con canela: how queer Xicanx writing practices reclaim indigeneity" in Theses and Projects

Zuber, David P. 2023

Biographical and historical entries in

Zoellner, Robert W. 2023

"The DFT computational investigation of the β-sila-α-amino acids and their β-permethylsila-analogs: Silicon-containing amino acids as a viable foundation for silicon-based life” in Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research

Zoellick, James 2023

North Coast Plug-In Electric Vehicle Readiness Project

Zoellick, James 2024

"Northern California and Southern Oregon Offshore Wind Transmission Study, Volume 1 (Revised)" in Schatz Energy Research Center

Zhong, Jianmin 2023

"Functional analysis of Rickettsia monacensis strain humboldt folA dihydrofolate reductase gene via complementation assay" in Ticks and Tick-born Diseases

Zender, Joshua R. 2023

"Perspectives from California cannabis industry insiders" in The National Social Science Journal

Zeller, Peter K. 2023

"Preimplantation genetic testing for neurobehavioral traits" in Theses and Projects

Zeibig-Kichas, Nickolas E. 2023

"Increased whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) growth and defense under a warmer and regionally drier climate" in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

Zeibig-Kichas, Nickolas E. 2023

"Tree-Ring Derived Avalanche Frequency and Climate Associations in a High-Latitude, Maritime Climate" in JGR Earth Surface

Zastrow, Joshua 2023

"How Anthropogenic Disturbance Affects Terrestrial Wildlife Use and Presence in a California Coastal Dune Ecosystem" in ideaFest Poster

Zamora, Kathy 2023

"Kathy Pero Like Katí" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Zamora, Danny 2023

"Functional analysis of Rickettsia monacensis strain humboldt folA dihydrofolate reductase gene via complementation assay" in Ticks and Tick-born Diseases

Zamboni, Rob J. 2023

"Creating an internal work-based learning program for students who are not college-bound" in Theses and Projects

Zald, Harold S.J. 2022

"Dynamics of stump sprout regeneration after transformation to multiaged management in coast redwood forests" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"The energy–water limitation threshold explains divergent drought responses in tree growth, needle length, and stable isotope ratios" in Global Change Biology

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"Conifer water-use patterns across temporal and topographic gradients in the southern Sierra Nevada" in Tree Physiology

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"Tree resistance to drought and bark beetle-associated mortality following thinning and prescribed fire treatments" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"Growth, drought response, and climate-associated genomic structure in whitebark pine in the Sierra Nevada of California" in Ecology and Evolution

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"Repeated burns fail to restore pine regeneration to the natural range of variability in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, U.S.A." in Restoration Ecology

Zald, Harold S.J. 2023

"Range-wide population assessments for subalpine fir indicate widespread disturbance-driven decline" in Forest Ecology and Management

Zald, Harold S.J. 2024

"Thinning and prescribed burning increase shade-tolerant conifer regeneration in a fire excluded mixed-conifer forest" in Forest Ecology and Management

Yuan, Stella 2023

"Deleterious Variation in Natural Populations and Implications for Conservation Genetics" in Annual Review of Animal Biosciences

Younger, Aang 2023

"Shame, Fear, Breath, and Love" in Toyon