Black, Jessica E. |
2022 |
"What’s in a Name? Book Title Salience and the Psychology of Fiction" in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts |
Black, Jessica E. |
2022 |
"The Imaginative Engagement Scale: Development of an Instrument to Assess Cognitive Elements of Engaging with Fiction" in Media Psychology |
Black, Jessica E. |
2022 |
Chapter 12 "Can you or will you imagine? Ability and willingness to imagine fictional scenarios depend on the type of imaginary world" in Creativity and Morality |
Blackburn, Brian K. |
2022 |
"Plant-Based Eating, A Novel Approach For Arresting Erythrocyte Dysfunction, Redox Dysregulation, and Vascular Injury Influenced by Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" in ideaFest Poster |
Blackburn, Brian K. |
2022 |
"Exercise reduces the protein abundance of TXNIP and its interacting partner REDD1 in skeletal muscle: potential role for a PKA-mediated mechanism" in Journal of Applied Physiology |
Bold, Samuel E. |
2022 |
"Geomorphic evaluation of the Goose Lake fault and fluvial terraces at the Yager Creek–Van Duzen River confluence, northern coastal California" in Theses and Projects |
Bond, Rosealea M. |
2022 |
"Capacity of Two Sierra Nevada Rivers for Reintroduction of Anadromous Salmonids: Insights from a High-Resolution View" in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Bond, Rosealea M. |
2022 |
"Spatiotemporal Variability in Environmental Conditions Influences the Performance and Behavior of Juvenile Steelhead in a Coastal California Lagoon" in Estuaries and Coasts |
Boshell, Cynthia J. |
2022 |
"Johnson v. M'intosh: Christianity, genocide, and the dispossession of indigenous peoples" in Theses and Projects |
Bost, Drew S. |
2022 |
"The effects of a half century of warming and fire exclusion on montane forests of the Klamath Mountains, California, USA" in Ecological Monographs |
Bostelman, Derek |
2022 |
"Bivalve Restoration Suitability Analysis" in Theses and Projects |
Boston, Kevin D. |
2022 |
"Listening to Indigenous Voices, Interests, and Priorities That Would Inform Tribal Co-Management of Natural Resources on a California State University Forest" in Forests |
Boston, Kevin D. |
2022 |
"Dynamics of stump sprout regeneration after transformation to multiaged management in coast redwood forests" in Forest Ecology and Management |
Boston, Kevin D. |
2022 |
Geographic Information System Skills for Foresters and Natural Resource Managers |
Bouchard, Benjamin |
2022 |
"Benthic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of water quality on the Mad River" in ideaFest Poster |
Bouffard, M. C. |
2022 |
"An assessment of aquatic amphibian biodiversity on the California Lost Coast" in Journal of Freshwater Ecology |
Bourdeau, Paul E. |
2022 |
"Meta-analysis reveals variance in tolerance to climate change across marine trophic levels" in Science of The Total Environment |
Bourdeau, Paul E. |
2022 |
"Marine gastropods at higher trophic level show stronger tolerance to ocean acidification" in Oikos
Bourdeau, Paul E. |
2022 |
"Shell remodeling in response to increased risk of predation in a marine snail" in Marine Ecology Progress Series |
Bowers, Pamela Hancock |
2022 |
"Homeless youth shelters and services for transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) clients: Results from a nationwide survey" in Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services |
Bowyer, R. Terry |
2022 |
"Population Characteristics, Morphometry, and Growth of Harvested Gray Wolves and Coyotes in Alaska" in ARCTIC |
Boyce, Scott E. |
2022 |
"MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (MF-OWHM) Conjunctive Use and Integrated Hydrologic Flow Modeling Software" in USGS Software Release |
Braje, Todd J. |
2022 |
"Human ecology, paleogeography, and biodiversity on California’s small Islands" in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology |
Braje, Todd J. |
2022 |
"Re-evaluating terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene settlement patterns with Chirp subbottom data from around California’s Northern Channel Islands" in World Archaeology |
Braje, Todd J. |
2022 |
"Boats, Seafaring, and the Colonization of the Americas and California Channel Islands: A Response to Cassidy (2021)" in California Archaeology |