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Displaying 226 - 250 of 1813
Authorsort descending Year Publications
Brown, Richard N. 2020

"Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum Genospecies in Northern California" in Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases

Bruner, Michael S. 2020

"Review of Bite back: people taking on corporate food and winning" in Food, Culture & Society

Bryant, Russ Blackwood 2020

"Molecular sequencing and morphological identification reveal similar patterns in native bee communities across public and private grasslands of eastern North Dakota" in PLOS ONE

Buchanan, Brian P. 2020

"Predicting flood insurance claims with hydrologic and socioeconomic demographics via machine learning: Exploring the roles of topography, minority populations, and political dissimilarity" in Journal of Environmental Management

Bucher, Matthew 2020

"Daily Ethanol Drinking Followed by an Abstinence Period Impairs Bone Marrow Niche and Mitochondrial Function of Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells in Rhesus Macaques" in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research

Buchheister, Andre 2020

"Ecological Reference Points for Atlantic Menhaden Established Using an Ecosystem Model of Intermediate Complexity" in Frontiers in Marine Science

Buchheister, Andre 2020

"Mail Buoy" in National Fisherman

Buchheister, Andre 2021

"Combining ecosystem and single-species modelling to provide ecosystem-based fisheries management advice within current management systems" in Frontiers in Marine Science

Bueno Watts, Nievita 2020

"The REU on Sustainable Land and Water Resources 2020: a (Virtual) Tribal and Community-Based Participatory Research Experience" in AGU Fall Meeting

Buetens, Sophi 2019

"Make Love Not War" in The World "The way we saw it"

Buller, Jared 2020

"Habitat Monitoring for Salmonid Health at Headwaters Forest Reserve in Humboldt County, California" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone

Buoen, Riley 2020

San Gabriel Mountains” in Humboldt Geographic

Burdine, Nick 2020

A Hiker’s Pilgrimage in Carpathian Ruthenia” in Humboldt Geographic

Burg, Devon 2020

Perceptions of academic achievement in a community college sample” in Theses and Projects

Burkart, Patrick 2010

Music and Cyberliberties

Burkart, Patrick 2020

"White Supremacist Terrorism in Charlottesville" in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism

Burkart, Patrick 2020

Spotification of Popular Culture in the Field of Popular Communication

Burkart, Patrick 2020

"On Evolving Bildung in the nexus of streaming services, art and users – Spotify as a case" in Presentation for Music in the Age of Streaming Conference

Burkart, Patrick 2020

"Spotify som företagsidé – från download till access: relationer till ett samhälle i förändring med fokus på juridik och politik, översättning Elias Schwieler" in Explorativ bildning i strömmande medier Spotify som ett case

Burkart, Patrick 2021

"White Supremacist Terrorism in Charlottesville: Reconstructing ‘Unite the Right’" in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism

Burke, Kendall 2020

Conflicts and Attitudes Regarding the Return of the Grey Wolf to California” in Humboldt Geographic

Burns, Eliana 2020

"Pink Is The New Tax" in Communication Senior Capstone

Burrell, Noah S. 2012

"Direct and indirect evidence that productivity of Snowy Plovers Charadrius nivosus varies with occurrence of a nest predator" in Wildfowl

Burris, Wade 2020

Knemidokoptes Mites and Their Effects on the Gripping Position of Steller’s Jay Feet” in Theses and Projects

Butz, Ramona J. 2020

"Early seral pathways of vegetation change following repeated short-interval, high-severity wildfire in a low-elevation, mixed conifer – Hardwood forest landscape of the Klamath mountains, California" in Canadian Journal of Forest Research