Cheli, Maia |
2020 |
"California North Coast Offshore Wind Studies: Exploring the Feasibility of Offshore Wind Energy for the California North Coast A summary report of the 2020 webinar series" in Schatz Energy Research Center |
Chen, Emily K. |
2021 |
"Reduced recruitment of Chinook salmon in a leveed bar-built estuary" in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Chin, Alana R.O. |
2020 |
“Behavior Of Northern River Otters In Relation To Social Group Size And Pup Presence: Results From 15 Years Of Citizen Science” in Northwestern Naturalist |
Chin, Alana R.O. |
2020 |
"Ray fractions and carbohydrate dynamics of tree species along a 2,750 m elevation gradient indicate climate response, not spatial storage limitation" in New Phytologist |
Chin, Mimi Mei Lin |
2021 |
"Amanita in the Guineo-Congolian rainforest: Epitypes and new species from the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon" in Mycologia |
Chow, Marina |
2020 |
"Trinidad State Beach Habitat Restoration Plan" in Environmental Science & Management Senior Capstone |
Christiansen, Sarajane |
2019 |
"Le Chevre Avec le Riviere" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Christine, Sarah |
2020 |
“Mapping Ghost Towns in the Santa Cruz Mountains.” GSP Project |
Cisneros, Melissa |
2020 |
“Assessing Convergent Validity of the QABF and TBH FA Intake Form with Results of a Functional Analysis” in Theses and Projects |
Citti, Jessica |
2020 |
“Creando Raíces: Sustaining Multilingual Students’ Ways Of Knowing At The Developing Hsi” in Composition Forum |
Clark, Abigail |
2020 |
“United Indian Health Services Community Gardens” in ideaFest Poster |
Clark, Brandy |
2020 |
“Dendroanthropological Applications in Adaptive Management: A Multi-Methodical Approach for Interpreting Cultural Landscape Change at MVS-YEE-SE’-NE” in Theses and Projects |
Clark, Vanessa |
2019 |
"Humboldt" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Clemens, Robert Scott |
2020 |
"Collect, connect, upscale: towards coordinated monitoring of migratory shorebirds in the Asia-Pacific" in Australian Zoologist |
Cliver, Robert K. |
2020 |
Red Silk: Class, Gender, and Revolution in China's Yangzi Delta Silk Industry |
Clucas, Barbara A. |
2020 |
"A novel method using camera traps to record effectiveness of artifcial perches for raptors" in California Fish and Wildlife Journal
Cohen, Lila |
2019 |
"Je te regarde" in The World "The way we saw it" |
Collette, Joshua M. |
2020 |
"Bicycling Exercise Helps Maintain a Youthful Metabolic Cost of Walking in Older Adults" in Journal of Aging and Physical Activity |
Collin, Melissa |
2020 |
"Satellite-based Phenology Analysis in Evaluating the Response of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Island's Tropical Forests to the 2017 Hurricanes" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Collins, Loren M. |
2020 |
"Service in the Time of COVID" in Redwood Roots |
Collins, Loren M. |
2020 |
"Featured Student Project/Poster Presentations" by ideaFest Posters |
Colwell, Mark A. |
2020 |
“Humboldt Bay, California, USA Hosts A Globally Important Shorebird Community Year-Round” in Wader Study
Colwell, Mark A. |
2020 |
"Habitat restoration improves western snowy plover nest survival" in Wader Study |
Conklin, Jesse R. |
2007 |
"Diurnal and nocturnal roost site fidelity of Dunlin (Calidris alpina pacifica) at Humboldt Bay, California" in The Auk |
Conklin, Jesse R. |
2007 |
"Interaction of predators and manmade object causes potentially significant mortality in a wintering shorebird population" in Wader Study Group Bulletin |