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Displaying 1726 - 1750 of 1766
Author Year Publicationssort ascending
Call, Ryan 2019

"The Historical Development of Recycling in Humboldt County" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards

Rowley, Gavin W. 2019

"Defining genocide in Northwestern California: the devastation of Humboldt and Del Norte County's Indigenous Peoples" in Charles R. Barnum History Awards

Stumpf, Tyler S. 2019

"The conceptualization and uses of technological metaworlds in travel" in Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Reiman, Amanda 2019

"Implementing social justice in the transition from illicit to legal cannabis" in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Jensen, Jamie L. 2019

"Digital Decolonization: Centering the Voices of Indigenous Students in a Distributed Learning Program" in Dissertations

Pawlowski, Jill 2019

"Adapted physical educators’ beliefs and intentions for promoting out of school physical activity" in European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity

Philpott, Jonathan 2019

"Casein Kinase 1 dynamics underlie the PER2 circadian phosphoswitch" in eLife

Bowers, Pamela Hancock 2019

"The Colleague" in Queer social work: Cases for LGBTQ+ affirmative practice

Miller, Libbi R. 2019

"'Am I Doing What I think I’m Doing?': The Importance of a Theoretical Frame when Integrating Tablets in Teacher Education" in Educational Rennaissance

Bucher, Matthew 2019

"Use of Glucose, Glutamine, and Fatty Acids for Trophoblast Respiration in Lean Women, Women With Obesity, and Women With Gestational Diabetes" in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

Tomescu, Alexandru M.F. 2019

"Plant hydraulic architecture through time: lessons and questions on the evolution of vascular systems" in IAWA Journal

Franklin, Alan B. 2019

"Predicting the initial spread of novel Asian origin influenza A viruses in the continental United States by wild waterfowl" in Transboundary and Emerging Diseases

Mola, John M. 2019

"A lever action hypothesis for pendulous hummingbird flowers: experimental evidence from a columbine" in Annals of Botany

Burkart, Patrick 2019

"The Spotification of public service media" in The Information Society

Vernasco, Ben J. 2019

"Developing a transcriptomic framework for testing testosterone-mediated handicap hypotheses" in General and Comparative Endocrinology

Walmsley, Christopher 2019

"Tactics to evaluate the evidence base of a nonbehavioral intervention in an expanded consumer area" in Behavior Analysis in Practice

Franklin, Alan B. 2019

"Experimental infections of Norway rats with avian-derived low-pathogenic influenza A viruses" in Archives of Virology

Gutierrez, R. J. 2019

"Reinforcing the concept of agenda‐driven science: a response to Rohlf" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Franklin, Alan B. 2019

"Reinforcing the concept of agenda‐driven science: a response to Rohlf" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Gutierrez, R. J. 2019

"The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Franklin, Alan B. 2019

"The conundrum of agenda-driven science in conservation" in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Mola, John M. 2019

"Fantastic bees and where to find them: locating the cryptic overwintering queens of a western bumble bee" in Ecosphere

Franklin, Alan B. 2019

"The past and future roles of competition and habitat in the range‐wide occupancy dynamics of Northern Spotted Owls" in Ecological Applications

Adhikari, Kushal 2020

"Pond-In-Pond: an alternative system for wastewater treatment for reuse" in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Lankarani, Caroline 2019

"The Gatekeepersin The World "The way we saw it"