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Displaying 151 - 175 of 1766
Authorsort ascending Year Publications
Uehling, Jessie K. 2019

"Megaphylogeny resolves global patterns of mushroom evolution" in Nature Ecology & Evolution

Tuttle, Sharon S. 2019

"Less is more: assessment and student learning in computer science education" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Tuttle, David 2019

"The effect of peer tutoring in reducing achievement gaps: a success story" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Tuttle, David 2019

"Less is more: assessment and student learning in computer science education" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges

Tusei, Cristina L. 2019

"The Effects of Citric Acid on pH and Nutrient Uptake in Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum)" in ideaFest Journal

Tusei, Cristina L. 2019

"Photodegradation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Surface Waters" in INRSEP Research Posters

Tusei, Cristina L. 2019

"The Surface Distribution of Trace Metals Along a Pacific Meridional Transect: GEOTRACES GP-15 Research Cruise" in ideaFest Posters

Turk, Adam 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planet" in INRSEP Research Poster

Turk, Adam 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in ideaFest Journal

Turk, Adam 2019

"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in AAS Meeting

Trush, William J. 2019

"Mitigating Migratory Fish Impacts from Upper Basin Hydro-Dam Development on the Mainstem Mekong River Using Tourist Photographs" in AGU Fall Meeting

Trujillo, Jenny 2019

"How Bright She Shines" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos

Trujillo, Edna Angelica 2019

"Maximizing Tandem Mass Spectrometry Acquisition Rates for Shotgun Proteomics" in Analytical Chemistry

Trowbridge, Janna 2019

"Thank You For Coming" in Toyon

Trill, Claire 2019

"The Surface Distribution of Trace Metals Along a Pacific Meridional Transect: GEOTRACES GP-15 Research Cruise" in ideaFest Poster

Trevisan, Dominic A. 2019

"Systematic review of factors that may influence the outcomes and generalizability of parent‐mediated interventions for young children with autism spectrum disorder" in Autism Research

Trevisan, Dominic A. 2019

"A meta-analysis on the relationship between interoceptive awareness and alexithymia: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy and sensibility" in Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Trepiak, Tom 2019

No Holds Barred: Frank Cheek’s Life Story

Tremain, Lisa 2019

(Dis)Positioning Writing about Writing Knowledge, Reflecting on Writer Identity: A Curriculum Aimed at Writing Knowledge Transfer" in Next Steps: New Directions for/in Writing About Writing

Trejo, Gilbert 2019

"The Southern California Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations

Tregle, Joseph 2019

"To the Victor Go the Soils: An Analysis of a Historic Preservation Project in Arcata, CA" in ideaFest Poster

Tran, Dung Davy 2019

"Warm-up activities for EFL listening-speaking classes" in TexTESOL State Conference

Tran, Dung Davy 2019

"Validity of a paired speaking task in an achievement test for ESL university students" in 10th College of Education and Human Development Research Colloquium

Tran, Dung Davy 2019

"Review of Policy and politics in global primary English" in The Linguist List

Tran, Dung Davy 2019

"Introducing a 7-session presentation course" in TexTESOL State Conference