Uehling, Jessie K. |
2019 |
"Megaphylogeny resolves global patterns of mushroom evolution" in Nature Ecology & Evolution |
Tuttle, Sharon S. |
2019 |
"Less is more: assessment and student learning in computer science education" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges |
Tuttle, David |
2019 |
"The effect of peer tutoring in reducing achievement gaps: a success story" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges |
Tuttle, David |
2019 |
"Less is more: assessment and student learning in computer science education" in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges |
Tusei, Cristina L. |
2019 |
"The Effects of Citric Acid on pH and Nutrient Uptake in Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum)" in ideaFest Journal |
Tusei, Cristina L. |
2019 |
"Photodegradation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds in Surface Waters" in INRSEP Research Posters |
Tusei, Cristina L. |
2019 |
"The Surface Distribution of Trace Metals Along a Pacific Meridional Transect: GEOTRACES GP-15 Research Cruise" in ideaFest Posters |
Turk, Adam |
2019 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planet" in INRSEP Research Poster |
Turk, Adam |
2019 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in ideaFest Journal
Turk, Adam |
2019 |
"Searching for Trends in Atmospheric Compositions of Extrasolar Planets" in AAS Meeting |
Trush, William J. |
2019 |
"Mitigating Migratory Fish Impacts from Upper Basin Hydro-Dam Development on the Mainstem Mekong River Using Tourist Photographs" in AGU Fall Meeting |
Trujillo, Jenny |
2019 |
"How Bright She Shines" in CouRaGeouS Cuentos |
Trujillo, Edna Angelica |
2019 |
"Maximizing Tandem Mass Spectrometry Acquisition Rates for Shotgun Proteomics" in Analytical Chemistry |
Trowbridge, Janna |
2019 |
"Thank You For Coming" in Toyon |
Trill, Claire |
2019 |
"The Surface Distribution of Trace Metals Along a Pacific Meridional Transect: GEOTRACES GP-15 Research Cruise" in ideaFest Poster |
Trevisan, Dominic A. |
2019 |
"Systematic review of factors that may influence the outcomes and generalizability of parent‐mediated interventions for young children with autism spectrum disorder" in Autism Research |
Trevisan, Dominic A. |
2019 |
"A meta-analysis on the relationship between interoceptive awareness and alexithymia: Distinguishing interoceptive accuracy and sensibility" in Journal of Abnormal Psychology |
Trepiak, Tom |
2019 |
No Holds Barred: Frank Cheek’s Life Story |
Tremain, Lisa |
2019 |
“(Dis)Positioning Writing about Writing Knowledge, Reflecting on Writer Identity: A Curriculum Aimed at Writing Knowledge Transfer" in Next Steps: New Directions for/in Writing About Writing |
Trejo, Gilbert |
2019 |
"The Southern California Coast" in Humboldt Journal of Social Relations |
Tregle, Joseph |
2019 |
"To the Victor Go the Soils: An Analysis of a Historic Preservation Project in Arcata, CA" in ideaFest Poster |
Tran, Dung Davy |
2019 |
"Warm-up activities for EFL listening-speaking classes" in TexTESOL State Conference |
Tran, Dung Davy |
2019 |
"Validity of a paired speaking task in an achievement test for ESL university students" in 10th College of Education and Human Development Research Colloquium |
Tran, Dung Davy |
2019 |
"Review of Policy and politics in global primary English" in The Linguist List |
Tran, Dung Davy |
2019 |
"Introducing a 7-session presentation course" in TexTESOL State Conference |